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Specify_Local_TP_Name (CPI-C)

The Specify_Local_TP_Name call (function name cmsltp) is issued by the program to indicate that it is able to accept incoming conversations that are directed to the name given.


CM_ENTRY Specify_Local_TP_Name(   
  unsigned char FAR *TP_name,    
  CM_INT32 FAR *TP_name_length,    
  CM_INT32 FAR *return_code    


Supplied parameter. Specifies the starting address of the local transaction program (TP) name. The program name can contain up to 64 ASCII characters. The allowed characters are:

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters.

  • Numerals from 0 through 9.

  • Special characters, except the space.

    You cannot use Specify_Local_TP_Name to specify the name of an SNA service TP.

    Double-byte character sets, such as Kanji, are not supported.

    Supplied parameter. Specifies the length of the local program name. The range is from 1 through 64.

    The code returned from this call. The valid return codes are listed later in this topic.

Return Codes

Primary return code; the call executed successfully.

Primary return code; one of the following occurred:

  • The TP_name supplied is invalid.

  • The value specified by TP_name_length is out of range (greater than 64 or less than 1).

    Primary return code; a product-specific error occurred and has been logged in the products error log.

State Changes

The call is not associated with a particular conversation, and no state restrictions apply.

There is no state change.


A program can issue this call more than once to handle incoming conversations with more than one TP name. The program can discover the actual name on the incoming conversation by calling Extract_TP_Name.