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Data Providers for DB2

Platform Compatibility

Code Page Conversions

The Data Provider supports a combination of single byte character sets (SBCS), mixed-byte character sets (MBCS) double-byte character sets (DBCS), and Unicode - UTF8 [1208], which is an 8-bit Unicode transformation format.


The Data Provider requires a value for Host CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier) with which to perform code page conversions on string data. The default Host CCSID value is EBCDIC – U.S./Canada [37]. Typically, IBM DB2 database servers for z/OS and IBM i utilize EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code).

PC Code Page

The Data Provider requires a value for PC Code Page with which to perform code page conversions on string data. The default PC code page is ANSI – Latin I [1252]. Typically, data consumers use either ANSI (American National Standards Institute) or Unicode.

Process Binary as Character

The Data Providers for DB2 automatically converts to and from binary (CCSID 65535) and character string data types, based on the DB2 data type and Windows consumer data type. The DB2 encoding is determined by the Host CCSID. The Windows encoding is determined by the PC Code Page.

Data Type Mapping

This topic describes all data type mappings to OLE DB data types.

DB2 to ADO.NET Data Type Mapping

The following table describes DB2 data type mappings to ADO.NET Provider for DB2 (MsDb2Client) data types (MsDb2Type).

MsDb2Type DB2 data type Description
BigInt Bigint A big integer is an 8-byte binary integer.
Binary Binary A binary is a fixed-length binary string.
Bit Smallint A small integer is a two-byte binary integer.
BLOB BLOB A binary large object is a varying-length string used to store non-textual or binary data.
Char Char A character is a fixed-length SBCS or MBCS string.
CLOB CLOB A varying-length character large object is a varying-length string. The maximum length of the string depends on the DB2 platform and version.
Date Date A date is a 10-byte string.
DBCLOB DCLOB A varying-length double-byte character large object is a varying-length graphic double-byte only string. The maximum length of the string depends on the DB2 platform and version.
Decimal Decimal A decimal is a packed decimal number.
Double Double A double is an 8-byte double-precision floating point number.
Graphic Graphic A graphic is a fixed-length DBCS only string.
Int Integer An integer is a 4-byte binary integer.
Numeric Numeric A numeric is a packed decimal number.
Real Real A real is a 4-byte single-precision floating point number.
SmallInt Smallint A small integer is a two-byte binary integer.
Time Time A time is an 8-byte time string.
Timestamp Timestamp A timestamp is a 26-byte string representing the date, time, and microseconds.
TinyInt Smallint A small integer is a two-byte binary integer.
VarBinary Varbinary A varying binary is a varying-length binary string.
VarChar Varchar A varying character is a varying-length SBCS or MBCS character string.
VarGraphic Vargraphic A varying graphic is a varying-length DBCS only string.
VarWideChar Vargraphic A varying graphic is a varying-length Unicode only string.
VarWideGraphic Vargraphic A varying graphic is a varying-length Unicode only string.
WideChar Graphic A graphic is a fixed-length Unicode string.
Xml XML A well-formed XML document string.

DB2 to OLE DB Data Type Mapping

The following table describes DB2 data type mappings to OLE DB data types.

OLE DB data type DB2 data type Description
DBTYPE_I8 Bigint A big integer is an 8-byte binary integer.
DBTYPE_Bytes BINARY A binary is a fixed-length binary string
DBTYPE_Bytes BLOB A binary large object is a varying-length string used to store non-textual or binary data.
DBTYPE_STR Char A character is a fixed-length SBCS or MBCS string.
DBTYPE_WSTR Char A Unicode character is a fixed-length MBCS string.
DBTYPE_STR CLOB A varying-length character large object is a varying-length string. The maximum length of the string depends on the DB2 platform and version.
DBTYPE_DBDate Date A date is a 10-byte string.
DBTYPE_Decimal Decimal A decimal is a packed decimal number.
DBTYPE_R8 Double A double is an 8-byte double-precision floating point number.
DBTYPE_R8 Float A float is an 8-byte double-precision floating point number.
DBTYPE_WSTR Graphic A graphic is a fixed-length DBCS only string.
DBTYPE_I4 Integer An integer is a 4-byte binary integer.
DBTYPE_STR Long Varchar A varying character is a varying-length SBCS or MBCS character string.
DBTYPE_WSTR Long Varchar A varying varying-length Unicode string.
DBTYPE_WSTR Long Vargraphic A varying graphic is a varying-length DBCS only string.
DBTYPE_Numeric Numeric A numeric is a packed decimal number.
DBTYPE_I2 Smallint A small integer is a two-byte binary integer.
DBTYPE_R4 Real A real is a 4-byte single-precision floating point number.
DBTYPE_DBTime Time A time is an 8-byte time string.
DBTYPE_DBTimestamp Timestamp A timestamp is a 26-byte string representing the date, time, and microseconds.
DBTYPE_Bytes Varbinary A varying binary is a varying-length binary string.
DBTYPE_STR Varchar A varying character is a varying-length SBCS or MBCS character string.
DBTYPE_WSTR Varchar A varying varying-length Unicode string.
DBTYPE_WSTR VarGraphic A varying graphic is a varying-length DBCS only string.

Schema information in OLE DB is retrieved using predefined schema rowsets with IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset. The Data Provider exposed the PROVIDER_TYPES Rowset to indicate the DB2 to OLE DB data type support (types, mappings, limits), based on the IBM DB2 platform and version.

DB2 for z/OS

The Data Provider supports accessing these data types when connected to DB2 for z/OS.

DB2 Type_name OLE DB data_type Column_size Minimum_scale Maximum_scale
Smallint DBType_12 5
Integer DBType_14 10
Bigint DBType_18 19
Binary DBType_Bytes 255
Real DBType_R4 21
Float DBType_R8 53
Double DBType_R8 53
Decimal DBType_Decimal 31 0 31
Graphic DBType_WSTR 127
VarGraphic DBType_WSTR 16352
Char DBType_STR 255
Varchar DBType_STR 32672
Char DBType_WSTR 255
Varchar DBType_WSTR 32672
Numeric DBType_Numeric 31 0 31
Date DBType_DBDate 10
Time DBType_DBTime 8
Timestamp DBType_Timestamp 26
BLOB DBType_Bytes 2147483647
CLOB DBType_STR 2147483647
Long Varchar DBType_STR 32704
Long Varchar DBType_WSTR 32704
Long Vargraphic DBType_WSTR 16352
Varbinary DBTypte_Bytes 32704

DB2 for IBM i

The Data Provider supports accessing these data types when connected to DB2 for IBM i.

DB2 Type_name OLE DB data_type Column_size Minimum_scale Maximum_scale
Binary DBType_Bytes 32765
Smallint DBType_12 5
Integer DBType_14 10
Bigint DBType_18 19
Real DBType_R4 24
Float DBType_R8 53
Double DBType_R8 53
Decimal DBType_Decimal 63 0 31
Graphic DBType_WSTR 16382
VarGraphic DBType_WSTR 16369
Char DBType_STR 32765
Varchar DBType_STR 32739
Char DBType_WSTR 32765
Varchar DBType_WSTR 32739
Numeric DBType_Numeric 31 0 31
Date DBType_DBDate 10
Time DBType_DBTime 8
Timestamp DBType_Timestamp 26
BLOB DBType_Bytes 2147483647
CLOB DBType_STR 2147483647
Varbinary DBType_Bytes 32739

DB2 for LUW

The Data Provider supports accessing these data types when connected to DB2 for LUW.

DB2 Type_name OLE DB data_type Column_size Minimum_scale Maximum_scale
Binary DBType_Bytes 254
Smallint DBType_12 5
Integer DBType_14 10
Bigint DBType_18 19
Real DBType_R4 24
Float DBType_R8 53
Double DBType_R8 53
Decimal DBType_Decimal 31 0 31
Graphic DBType_WSTR 127
VarGraphic DBType_WSTR 16336
Char DBType_STR 254
Varchar DBType_STR 4000
Char DBType_WSTR 254
Varchar DBType_WSTR 4000
Char() for BIT data DBType_Bytes 254
Varchar() for BIT data DBType_Bytes 32672
Numeric DBType_Numeric 31 0 31
Date DBType_DBDate 10
Time DBType_DBTime 8
Timestamp DBType_Timestamp 26
BLOB DBType_Bytes 2147483647
CLOB DBType_STR 2147483647
Long Varchar DBType_STR 32700
Long Varchar DBType_STR 32700
Long Varchar DBType_WSTR 16350
Varbinary DBTYPE_BYTES 32762

SQL Server Integration Services

When using the SQL Server Integration Services Import and Export Wizards from the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, you can customize the default data conversions by editing the XML mapping files. The XML files are located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTSMappingFiles for 64-bit and C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTSMappingFiles for 32-bit.

SQL Server Replication Services

SQL Server Replication may convert data incorrectly, based on the default mappings from SQL Server to DB2 data types. We recommend that the administrator and developer review and revise the Replication data type mappings using the following SQL Server system stored procedures.