Выберите разрешение или разрешения, помеченные как наименее привилегированные для этого API. Используйте более привилегированное разрешение или разрешения только в том случае, если это требуется приложению. Дополнительные сведения о делегированных разрешениях и разрешениях приложений см. в разделе Типы разрешений. Дополнительные сведения об этих разрешениях см. в справочнике по разрешениям.
Ниже показан пример запроса.
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/search/bookmarks
Content-Type: application/json
"displayName": "Contoso Install Site",
"webUrl": "http://www.contoso.com/",
"description": "Try or buy Contoso for Home or Business and view product information",
"keywords": {
"keywords": ["Contoso", "install"],
"reservedKeywords": ["Unique keyword"],
"matchSimilarKeywords": true
"availabilityStartDateTime": null,
"availabilityEndDateTime": null,
"platforms": ["windows"],
"targetedVariations": [
"languageTag": "es-es",
"displayName": "Sitio de instalación Contoso",
"description": "Pruebe o compre Contoso hogar o negocios y vea la información del producto"
"state": "published"
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 5.x
// Dependencies
using Microsoft.Graph.Models.Search;
using Microsoft.Graph.Models;
var requestBody = new Bookmark
DisplayName = "Contoso Install Site",
WebUrl = "http://www.contoso.com/",
Description = "Try or buy Contoso for Home or Business and view product information",
Keywords = new AnswerKeyword
Keywords = new List<string>
ReservedKeywords = new List<string>
"Unique keyword",
MatchSimilarKeywords = true,
AvailabilityStartDateTime = null,
AvailabilityEndDateTime = null,
Platforms = new List<DevicePlatformType?>
TargetedVariations = new List<AnswerVariant>
new AnswerVariant
LanguageTag = "es-es",
DisplayName = "Sitio de instalación Contoso",
Description = "Pruebe o compre Contoso hogar o negocios y vea la información del producto",
State = AnswerState.Published,
// To initialize your graphClient, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=csharp
var result = await graphClient.Search.Bookmarks.PostAsync(requestBody);
Подробнее о том, как добавить SDK в свой проект и создать экземпляр authProvider, см. в документации по SDK.
mgc search bookmarks create --body '{\
"displayName": "Contoso Install Site",\
"webUrl": "http://www.contoso.com/",\
"description": "Try or buy Contoso for Home or Business and view product information",\
"keywords": {\
"keywords": ["Contoso", "install"],\
"reservedKeywords": ["Unique keyword"],\
"matchSimilarKeywords": true\
"availabilityStartDateTime": null,\
"availabilityEndDateTime": null,\
"platforms": ["windows"],\
"targetedVariations": [\
"languageTag": "es-es",\
"displayName": "Sitio de instalación Contoso",\
"description": "Pruebe o compre Contoso hogar o negocios y vea la información del producto"\
"state": "published"\
Подробнее о том, как добавить SDK в свой проект и создать экземпляр authProvider, см. в документации по SDK.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest major version. Current major version is $v1.*
// Dependencies
import (
msgraphsdk "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-go"
graphmodelssearch "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-go/models/search"
graphmodels "github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-go/models"
requestBody := graphmodelssearch.NewBookmark()
displayName := "Contoso Install Site"
webUrl := "http://www.contoso.com/"
description := "Try or buy Contoso for Home or Business and view product information"
keywords := graphmodelssearch.NewAnswerKeyword()
keywords := []string {
reservedKeywords := []string {
"Unique keyword",
matchSimilarKeywords := true
availabilityStartDateTime := null
availabilityEndDateTime := null
platforms := []graphmodels.DevicePlatformTypeable {
devicePlatformType := graphmodels.WINDOWS_DEVICEPLATFORMTYPE
answerVariant := graphmodelssearch.NewAnswerVariant()
languageTag := "es-es"
displayName := "Sitio de instalación Contoso"
description := "Pruebe o compre Contoso hogar o negocios y vea la información del producto"
targetedVariations := []graphmodelssearch.AnswerVariantable {
state := graphmodels.PUBLISHED_ANSWERSTATE
// To initialize your graphClient, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=go
bookmarks, err := graphClient.Search().Bookmarks().Post(context.Background(), requestBody, nil)
Подробнее о том, как добавить SDK в свой проект и создать экземпляр authProvider, см. в документации по SDK.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
com.microsoft.graph.models.search.Bookmark bookmark = new com.microsoft.graph.models.search.Bookmark();
bookmark.setDisplayName("Contoso Install Site");
bookmark.setDescription("Try or buy Contoso for Home or Business and view product information");
com.microsoft.graph.models.search.AnswerKeyword keywords = new com.microsoft.graph.models.search.AnswerKeyword();
LinkedList<String> keywords1 = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> reservedKeywords = new LinkedList<String>();
reservedKeywords.add("Unique keyword");
LinkedList<DevicePlatformType> platforms = new LinkedList<DevicePlatformType>();
LinkedList<com.microsoft.graph.models.search.AnswerVariant> targetedVariations = new LinkedList<com.microsoft.graph.models.search.AnswerVariant>();
com.microsoft.graph.models.search.AnswerVariant answerVariant = new com.microsoft.graph.models.search.AnswerVariant();
answerVariant.setDisplayName("Sitio de instalación Contoso");
answerVariant.setDescription("Pruebe o compre Contoso hogar o negocios y vea la información del producto");
com.microsoft.graph.models.search.Bookmark result = graphClient.search().bookmarks().post(bookmark);
Подробнее о том, как добавить SDK в свой проект и создать экземпляр authProvider, см. в документации по SDK.
const options = {
const client = Client.init(options);
const bookmark = {
displayName: 'Contoso Install Site',
webUrl: 'http://www.contoso.com/',
description: 'Try or buy Contoso for Home or Business and view product information',
keywords: {
keywords: ['Contoso', 'install'],
reservedKeywords: ['Unique keyword'],
matchSimilarKeywords: true
availabilityStartDateTime: null,
availabilityEndDateTime: null,
platforms: ['windows'],
targetedVariations: [
languageTag: 'es-es',
displayName: 'Sitio de instalación Contoso',
description: 'Pruebe o compre Contoso hogar o negocios y vea la información del producto'
state: 'published'
await client.api('/search/bookmarks')
Подробнее о том, как добавить SDK в свой проект и создать экземпляр authProvider, см. в документации по SDK.
use Microsoft\Graph\GraphServiceClient;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Search\Bookmark;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Search\AnswerKeyword;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\DevicePlatformType;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Search\AnswerVariant;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Search\AnswerState;
$graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient($tokenRequestContext, $scopes);
$requestBody = new Bookmark();
$requestBody->setDisplayName('Contoso Install Site');
$requestBody->setDescription('Try or buy Contoso for Home or Business and view product information');
$keywords = new AnswerKeyword();
$keywords->setKeywords(['Contoso', 'install', ]);
$keywords->setReservedKeywords(['Unique keyword', ]);
$requestBody->setPlatforms([new DevicePlatformType('windows'), ]);
$targetedVariationsAnswerVariant1 = new AnswerVariant();
$targetedVariationsAnswerVariant1->setDisplayName('Sitio de instalación Contoso');
$targetedVariationsAnswerVariant1->setDescription('Pruebe o compre Contoso hogar o negocios y vea la información del producto');
$targetedVariationsArray []= $targetedVariationsAnswerVariant1;
$requestBody->setState(new AnswerState('published'));
$result = $graphServiceClient->search()->bookmarks()->post($requestBody)->wait();
Подробнее о том, как добавить SDK в свой проект и создать экземпляр authProvider, см. в документации по SDK.
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Search
$params = @{
displayName = "Contoso Install Site"
webUrl = "http://www.contoso.com/"
description = "Try or buy Contoso for Home or Business and view product information"
keywords = @{
keywords = @(
reservedKeywords = @(
"Unique keyword"
matchSimilarKeywords = $true
availabilityStartDateTime = $null
availabilityEndDateTime = $null
platforms = @(
targetedVariations = @(
languageTag = "es-es"
displayName = "Sitio de instalación Contoso"
description = "Pruebe o compre Contoso hogar o negocios y vea la información del producto"
state = "published"
New-MgSearchBookmark -BodyParameter $params
Подробнее о том, как добавить SDK в свой проект и создать экземпляр authProvider, см. в документации по SDK.
# Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 1.x
from msgraph import GraphServiceClient
from msgraph.generated.models.search.bookmark import Bookmark
from msgraph.generated.models.search.answer_keyword import AnswerKeyword
from msgraph.generated.models.device_platform_type import DevicePlatformType
from msgraph.generated.models.search.answer_variant import AnswerVariant
from msgraph.generated.models.answer_state import AnswerState
# To initialize your graph_client, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/create-client?from=snippets&tabs=python
request_body = Bookmark(
display_name = "Contoso Install Site",
web_url = "http://www.contoso.com/",
description = "Try or buy Contoso for Home or Business and view product information",
keywords = AnswerKeyword(
keywords = [
reserved_keywords = [
"Unique keyword",
match_similar_keywords = True,
availability_start_date_time = None,
availability_end_date_time = None,
platforms = [
targeted_variations = [
language_tag = "es-es",
display_name = "Sitio de instalación Contoso",
description = "Pruebe o compre Contoso hogar o negocios y vea la información del producto",
state = AnswerState.Published,
result = await graph_client.search.bookmarks.post(request_body)
Подробнее о том, как добавить SDK в свой проект и создать экземпляр authProvider, см. в документации по SDK.
Ниже приводится пример отклика.