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Tutorial: Get a player profile

In this tutorial you learn how to:

  • Create a user with a display name
  • Make a player profile call
  • Get Player Created time and Last Login time
  • Configure the player profile view constraints for the title
  • Get the player profile via login operation


For this tutorial, basic knowledge of how to create a player for your title is needed, so that you can perform a GetPlayerProfile on the player.

It's also worthwhile to read the Game Manager quickstart if you're unfamiliar with the Game Manager, as it's the place where we configure profile constraints.

The C# Samples in this article are written for the Unity SDK. The Unity SDK uses an event driven model to handle non-synchronous tasks. To run the sample code using the standard C# or Xamarin C# SDKs, you must modify the code to use an async Task model. Methods that must be modified have Async append to the method name in the signature. For example, SetObject in the Unity SDK becomes SetObjectAsync in the standard C# SDK. For more information, see Asynchronous programming with async and await.

Create a user with a display name

The first step is to create a player and add a display name to the user. This example will create a new user with the display name UnicornTossMaster.

void CreatePlayerAndUpdateDisplayName() {
    PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithCustomID( new LoginWithCustomIDRequest {
        CustomId = "PlayFabGetPlayerProfileCustomId",
        CreateAccount = true
    }, result => {
        Debug.Log("Successfully logged in a player with PlayFabId: " + result.PlayFabId);
    }, error => Debug.LogError(error.GenerateErrorReport()));

void UpdateDisplayName() {
    PlayFabClientAPI.UpdateUserTitleDisplayName( new UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequest {
        DisplayName = "UnicornTossMaster"
    }, result => {
        Debug.Log("The player's display name is now: " + result.DisplayName);
    }, error => Debug.LogError(error.GenerateErrorReport()));

The console output should show:

Successfully logged in a player with PlayFabId: SOME_PLAYFAB_ID
The player's display name is now: UnicornTossMaster

Make a player profile call

The next step is to make a very basic profile for the player usin

The following example uses a basic GetPlayerProfile call.

void GetPlayerProfile(string playFabId) {
    PlayFabClientAPI.GetPlayerProfile( new GetPlayerProfileRequest() {
        PlayFabId = playFabId,
        ProfileConstraints = new PlayerProfileViewConstraints() {
            ShowDisplayName = true
    result => Debug.Log("The player's DisplayName profile data is: " + result.PlayerProfile.DisplayName),
    error => Debug.LogError(error.GenerateErrorReport()));

The response includes a PlayerProfileModel object that contains the display name UnicornTossMaster for the player.

Get Player Created time and Last Login time

In the PlayerProfileModel object there's a fair amount of data about the player. In the previous step, a GetPlayerProfile was issued, and the response that was received only contained display name information.

The next step is to get even more profile data for the player. To do so, call GetPlayerProfile with additional fields in the PlayerProfileViewConstraints request parameter.

The following C# example modifies the GetPlayerProfile method from step 2 and calls GetPlayerProfile to request the Created and LastLogin fields by setting their flags in the ProfileConstraints.


This will be an unsuccessful call at this step!!!

void CreatePlayerAndUpdateDisplayName(string playFabId) {
    PlayFabClientAPI.GetPlayerProfile( new GetPlayerProfileRequest() {
        PlayFabId = playFabId,
        ProfileConstraints = new PlayerProfileViewConstraints {
            ShowDisplayName = true,
            ShowCreated = true,
            ShowLastLogin = true
    result => Debug.Log("The player's profile Created date is: " + result.PlayerProfile.Created),
    error => Debug.LogError(error.GenerateErrorReport()));

If you run this sample code at this point, it returns an error with an Error Code 1303. RequestViewConstraintParamsNotAllowed, and an error message stating that there are Invalid view constraints with a JSON output of constraints that the title currently has set.

The error occurs because you haven't yet configured the ability to show Created and LastLogin in your title's profile constraint settings.

Configure the player profile view constraints for the title

To get more data when you call the GetPlayerProfile API, you need to configure the constraints on the data to be available. These settings are in the title's settings in Game Manager.

By default, the ALLOW CLIENT ACCESS TO PROFILE PROPERTIES: had only Display name enabled, which allowed you to retrieve Display Name value.

To configure additional constraints for the title:

  • In Game Manager, select your title.
  • Select the gear icon in the upper left-hand corner, then select Title settings.
  • Select the Client Profile Options tab.
  • To enable both Created and LastLogin in the ProfileConstraints, check Creation date and Last login time, then select SAVE CLIENT PROFILE OPTIONS.

PlayFab Settings * Client Profile Options * Allow client access to profile properties

Now when you call 1CreatePlayerAndUpdateDisplayName it returns the PlayerProfileModel object with data on the user's creation time, last login, and the display name of UnicornTossMaster.

Get the player profile via login operation

In most cases you want to retrieve player profile data as soon as a player logs in. The PlayFab API allows you to combine the log in call and the call to retrieve the player profile into a single call.

The following example shows how to gain profile information through a login request, and uses LoginWithCustomId as an example.


This works with every login mechanism.

void CreatePlayerAndUpdateDisplayName(string customId) {
    PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithCustomID( new LoginWithCustomIDRequest() {
        CustomId = customId,
        // Define info request parameters
        InfoRequestParameters = new GetPlayerCombinedInfoRequestParams() {
            // And make sure PlayerProfile is included
            GetPlayerProfile = true,
            // Define rules for PlayerProfile request
            ProfileConstraints = new PlayerProfileViewConstraints() {
                // And make sure that both AvatarUrl and LastLogin are included.
                ShowAvatarUrl = true,
                ShowLastLogin = true,
    result =>
        // Extract the data you have requested
        var avatarUrl = result.InfoResultPayload.PlayerProfile.AvatarUrl;
    error => Debug.LogError(error.GenerateErrorReport()));