PFAuthenticationAuthenticateGameServerWithCustomIdAsync |
Create a game_server entity token and return a new or existing game_server entity. |
PFAuthenticationAuthenticateGameServerWithCustomIdGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationAuthenticateGameServerWithCustomIdAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationDeleteAsync |
Delete a game_server entity. |
PFAuthenticationGetEntityAsync |
Method to exchange a legacy AuthenticationTicket or title SecretKey for an Entity Token or to refresh a still valid Entity Token. |
PFAuthenticationGetEntityGetResult |
Gets the result of a successful PFAuthenticationGetEntityAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationGetEntityWithSecretKeyAsync |
Method to exchange a legacy AuthenticationTicket or title SecretKey for an Entity Token or to refresh a still valid Entity Token. |
PFAuthenticationGetEntityWithSecretKeyGetResult |
Gets the result of a successful PFAuthenticationGetEntityWithSecretKeyAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleAsync |
Signs in the user with a Sign in with Apple identity token. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithCustomIDAsync |
Signs the user in using a custom unique identifier generated by the title, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithCustomIDGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithCustomIDAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithCustomIDGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithCustomIDAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithFacebookAsync |
Signs the user in using a Facebook access token, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithFacebookGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithFacebookAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithFacebookGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithFacebookAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGameCenterAsync |
Signs the user in using an iOS Game Center player identifier, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Logging in with a Game Center ID is insecure if you do not include the optional PublicKeyUrl, Salt, Signature, and Timestamp parameters in this request. It is recommended you require these parameters on all Game Center calls by going to the Apple Add-ons page in the PlayFab Game Manager and enabling the 'Require secure authentication only for this app' option. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGameCenterGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithGameCenterAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGameCenterGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithGameCenterAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGoogleAccountAsync |
Signs the user in using their Google account credentials |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGoogleAccountGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithGoogleAccountAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGoogleAccountGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithGoogleAccountAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGooglePlayGamesServicesAsync |
Signs the user in using their Google Play Games account credentials |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGooglePlayGamesServicesGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithGooglePlayGamesServicesAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGooglePlayGamesServicesGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithGooglePlayGamesServicesAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithNintendoServiceAccountAsync |
Signs in the user with a Nintendo service account token. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithNintendoServiceAccountGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithNintendoServiceAccountAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithNintendoServiceAccountGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithNintendoServiceAccountAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithOpenIdConnectAsync |
Logs in a user with an Open ID Connect JWT created by an existing relationship between a title and an Open ID Connect provider. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithOpenIdConnectGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithOpenIdConnectAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithOpenIdConnectGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithOpenIdConnectAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithPSNAsync |
Signs the user in using a PlayStation ™️ Network authentication code, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithPSNGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithPSNAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithPSNGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithPSNAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithSteamAsync |
Signs the user in using a Steam authentication ticket, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithSteamGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithSteamAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithSteamGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithSteamAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithXboxAsync |
Signs the user in using a Xbox Live Token, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithXboxGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithXboxAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithXboxGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithXboxAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithXUserAsync |
Signs the user in using an XUserHandle, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithXUserGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationLoginWithXUserAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationLoginWithXUserGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationLoginWithXUserAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithAppleAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithCustomIDAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithFacebookAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithGameCenterAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithGoogleAccountAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithGooglePlayGamesServicesAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithNintendoServiceAccountAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithOpenIdConnectAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithPSNAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithSteamAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithXboxAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationReLoginWithXUserAsync |
Reauthenticates an existing PFEntityHandle using an XUserHandle. Used to address situations where the EntityToken expired and the PlayFab SDK is unable to refresh it. |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithServerCustomIdAsync |
Securely login a game client from an external server backend using a custom identifier for that player. Server Custom ID and Client Custom ID are mutually exclusive and cannot be used to retrieve the same player account. |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithServerCustomIdGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithServerCustomIdAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithServerCustomIdGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithServerCustomIdAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithSteamIdAsync |
Signs the user in using an Steam ID, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithSteamIdGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithSteamIdAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithSteamIdGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithSteamIdAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxAsync |
Signs the user in using a Xbox Live Token from an external server backend, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxIdAsync |
Signs the user in using an Xbox ID and Sandbox ID, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxIdGetResult |
Get the result from a PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxIdAsync call. The PFEntityHandle will always be returned, but the additional info in the PFAuthenticationLoginResult is only returned if a buffer is provided. |
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxIdGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxIdAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationValidateEntityTokenAsync |
Method for a server to validate a client provided EntityToken. Only callable by the title entity. |
PFAuthenticationValidateEntityTokenGetResult |
Gets the result of a successful PFAuthenticationValidateEntityTokenAsync call. |
PFAuthenticationValidateEntityTokenGetResultSize |
Get the size in bytes needed to store the result of a ValidateEntityToken call. |