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The Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) API that is used to get information about and manage a development console.


Interface Description
IXtfConfigSettingsCallback Callback used by the XtfConfigSettings.GetConfigSettings.
IXtfConsoleControlClient Represents an Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) development console client.
IXtfRunningProcessCallback Provides a callback that is called when a running process is found during an IXtfConsoleControlClient::GetRunningProcesses Method operation.


Function Description
XtfCaptureScreenshot Captures the current screen display of the specified development console as a bitmap.
XtfCreateConsoleControlClient Initializes a new instance of the IXtfConsoleControlClient interface with the specified address.


Structure Description
XTFCONFIGSETTING Describes a configuration setting for a console.
XTFPROCESSINFO Contains information about a running Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) process.
XTFSYSTEMTIME Contains system time information for Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) apps.