Blocks execution until either the specified console states are reached or a timeout occurs.
HRESULT XtfWaitForConsoleState(
PCWSTR address,
UINT32 consoleState,
const UINT32 timeoutMS
[in] The address of the console.
Type: UINT32
[in] A bitwise-OR combination of flags that indicate the current state of the console. This parameter supports the following flags:
Flag | Value | Description |
XTF_SYSTEM_OS_READY | 0x0001 | The System OS is ready Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) communications. |
XTF_TITLE_OS_READY | 0x0002 | The Game OS is ready for XTF communications.<br>This flag is equivalent to the XTF_TITLESTATE_TITLEOSRUNNING and XTF_TITLESTATE_TITLENETWORK_READY flags returned by the XtfGetTitleOSState function. |
XTF_TITLE_PROCESS_READY | 0x0004 | The process for the game is ready for XTF communications.<br>This flag is equivalent to the XTF_TITLESTATE_TITLERUNNING flag returned by the XtfGetTitleOSState function. |
Type: UINT32
[in] The timeout, in milliseconds, before the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
Return value
Returns S_OK
if successful; otherwise, returns one of the following HRESULT error codes.
Error code | Description |
ERROR_TIMEOUT | The timeout specified in timeoutMS has elapsed and the states specified in consoleState were not reached. |
E_INVALIDARG | The values passed into address or consoleState were not valid. |
This function loops every 250 milliseconds, validating the current state of the console against the states specified in consoleState
. If the states specified in consoleState
don't match the current state of the console within the time specified in timeoutMS
, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT
; otherwise, the function stops looping and returns S_OK
. For more information about the System OS and Game OS, see For a complete introduction, see What is the Microsoft Game Development Kit? (NDA topic)Необходима авторизация.
Header: xtfapi.h
Library: XtfApi.lib
Supported platforms: Windows (for Xbox console tools)
See also
XTF Transport Errors (NDA topic)Необходима авторизация
Additional Xtf APIs