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Blocks execution until either the specified console states are reached or a timeout occurs.


HRESULT XtfWaitForConsoleState(  
         PCWSTR address,  
         UINT32 consoleState,  
         const UINT32 timeoutMS  



[in] The address of the console.

Type: UINT32

[in] A bitwise-OR combination of flags that indicate the current state of the console. This parameter supports the following flags:

Flag Value Description
XTF_SYSTEM_OS_READY 0x0001 The System OS is ready Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) communications.
XTF_TITLE_OS_READY 0x0002 The Game OS is ready for XTF communications.<br>This flag is equivalent to the XTF_TITLESTATE_TITLEOSRUNNING and XTF_TITLESTATE_TITLENETWORK_READY flags returned by the XtfGetTitleOSState function.
XTF_TITLE_PROCESS_READY 0x0004 The process for the game is ready for XTF communications.<br>This flag is equivalent to the XTF_TITLESTATE_TITLERUNNING flag returned by the XtfGetTitleOSState function.

Type: UINT32

[in] The timeout, in milliseconds, before the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT.

Return value


Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns one of the following HRESULT error codes.

Error code Description
ERROR_TIMEOUT The timeout specified in timeoutMS has elapsed and the states specified in consoleState were not reached.
E_INVALIDARG The values passed into address or consoleState were not valid.


This function loops every 250 milliseconds, validating the current state of the console against the states specified in consoleState. If the states specified in consoleState don't match the current state of the console within the time specified in timeoutMS, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT; otherwise, the function stops looping and returns S_OK. For more information about the System OS and Game OS, see For a complete introduction, see What is the Microsoft Game Development Kit? (NDA topic)Необходима авторизация.


Header: xtfapi.h

Library: XtfApi.lib

Supported platforms: Windows (for Xbox console tools)

See also

XTF Transport Errors (NDA topic)Необходима авторизация
Additional Xtf APIs