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Uninstalls chunks that match the specified selectors.


HRESULT XPackageUninstallChunks(  
         const char* packageIdentifier,  
         uint32_t selectorCount,  
         XPackageChunkSelector* selectors  


packageIdentifier   _In_z_
Type: char*

A string that uniquely identifies the installed package on the disk. For more information about package identifiers, see Manage and license downloadable content (DLC).

selectorCount   _In_
Type: uint32_t

The number of selectors in the selectors parameter.

selectors   _In_reads_(selectorCount)
Type: XPackageChunkSelector*

An array of selectors that specify the chunks to be uninstalled.

There's no support for using only the integer ID to specify chunks to be uninstalled; attempting to do so will cause XPackageUninstallChunks to return a value of E_INVALIDARG. To specify chunks to be uninstalled, supply additional information for the selector, such as a language or a tag.

Return value


HRESULT success or error code.



This function isn't safe to call on a time-sensitive thread. For more information, see Time-sensitive threads.

XPackageUninstallChunks removes chunks that match the specified installation selectors. This will not remove chunks necessary for the package to function. For example, you can't remove chunks required to provide assets for the language of the currently running game.

The title is not stopped when chunks are removed. It's up to the title to close all file handles to files in the chunks that it removes and in the chunks where it no longer accesses files.

In the following example, XPackageUninstallChunks is used to uninstall a map package with the tag "BigMaps":

HRESULT UninstallBigMaps()
    HRESULT hr = XPackageGetCurrentProcessPackageIdentifier(_countof(id), id);
    if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;

    XPackageChunkSelector selector;
    selector.type = XPackageChunkSelectorType::Tag;
    selector.tag = "BigMaps";

    hr = XPackageUninstallChunks(id, 1, &selector);
    return hr;


Header: XPackage.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Streaming Installation and Intelligent Delivery