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Begins the asynchronous authentication request that displays a web UI that allows the user to delegate access to external web sites and services without directly providing their credentials to the running title.


HRESULT XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationAsync(  
         XAsyncBlock* async,  
         XUserHandle requestingUser,  
         const char* requestUri,  
         const char* completionUri  


async   _In_
Type: XAsyncBlock*

A pointer to the XAsyncBlock that is passed to XAsyncRun.

requestingUser   _In_
Type: XUserHandle

A handle to the user requesting the web authentication.

requestUri   _In_z_
Type: char*

The initial URI of the web view presented to the user (likely containing fields for user authentication to the service). The request URI must be a secure HTTPS address.

completionUri   _In_z_
Type: char*

Indicates the URI that represents successful completion of the web authentication process. When the web view is navigated to a uri that matches the completionUri, the web view is closed, and control is returned to the calling title.

Return value


HRESULT success or error code of the async call.

To get the result, call xgameuishowwebauthenticationresultsize and xgameuishowwebauthenticationresult inside the AsyncBlock callback or after the AsyncBlock is complete.


When this asynchronous task runs, the system presents a web view to the user (overlaying the current application), which they can interact with or dismiss by pressing back. This allows users to use OAuth in order to grant authorization permission to external web sites and services. This can be used in scenarios such as authenticating the game to share in-game highlights on social media, requesting user data from external providers, and more.

The result of the authentication request is stored in the XGameUiWebAuthenticationResultData object which is returned from the XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationResult method.

If the web view is closed as a result of navigating to the completionUri, then the responseStatus field of the result data structure will be S_OK.

If the user cancels or otherwise manually closes the web view, then the responseStatus field of the result data structure will be E_CANCELLED.


The following code example shows how to perform OAuth by using Facebook. This example does not include memory allocation error handling in order to keep the code brief.

// Use Facebook example for OAuth; client_id should correspond to your registered application.
const char completionUri[] = "https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html"; 
const char requestUri[] =

// Allocate and initialize XAsyncBlock for asynchronous authentication operation.
XAsyncBlock* block = new XAsyncBlock();
ZeroMemory(block, sizeof(XAsyncBlock));
block->callback = [](XAsyncBlock* block)
    // Query required size and allocate buffer for authentication result data.
    uint32_t bufferSize = 0;
    FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationResultSize(block, &bufferSize));
    uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[bufferSize];

    // The currentUser is initialized with user to authenticate for.
    XGameUiWebAuthenticationResultData* resultData = nullptr;

    // Use the result data here. If resultData->responseStatus is S_OK, then web authentication was successful.

    // Free allocated buffer and XAsyncBlock.
    delete[] buffer;
    delete block;

//  Begin asynchronous authentication operation.
XUserHandle currentUser = GetCurrentUserForAuthentication();


Header: XGameUI.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

XGameUI XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationWithOptionsAsync XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationResultSize
Asynchronous Programming Model