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GET (/ext/unattendedsetup/quickaction)

Retrieves the information about the scripts applied to and available to the front panel buttons on the target Xbox One development console.

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
Name base64-encoded string Optional string indicating we want the contents of a script.
IsBuiltIn boolean Optional bool indicating if this is a built in script provided with the system or a custom script added to the console by the user.

Required request headers


Required request body



If the call is successful and a script was requested by name, the service will return the script file as a multi-part conforming HTTP body.

If a script was not requested, the service will return a JSON object with the following members:

Member Type Description
IsAvailable boolean Whether or not front panel scripts are available on this console. This will be true for the Xbox One X Devkit and false for other devkit types. If this is false, no other members will be returned.
QuickActions Array of JSON objects An array containing all the available quick actions on this console.
AssignedActions Array of JSON objects An array containing the 5 quick actions which are assigned to the front panel buttons on this console.

Quick actions JSON objects have the following members:

Member Type Description
Name base64-encoded string The name of the script on the console.
IsBuiltIn boolean Whether or not this is a built in script provided with the system or a custom script added to the console by the user.

HTTP status codes

The service returns one of the status codes in this section in response to a request made with this method on this resource.

Code Description
200/204 The operation was successful.
4XX Error codes.
5XX Error codes.

See also

