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Requirements for Open Betas and Game Previews

Version 12.1 - 4/01/2024


Xbox offers the option to test Betas and Game Previews against a reduced set of Xbox Requirements, as players expect these products to be unfinished.


All beta products must be approved by Microsoft and validated for Submission Checks. In addition, products made available to consumers are also subject to and validated against the XRs listed below.

All Open Betas must be certified before they can be released. For Closed Betas, however, the requirement for certification is driven by the distribution type and size of the release:

  • Closed Betas that have <10,000 users and are managed by the Publisher are not subject to a Beta XR review prior to the release but are subject to a review by Microsoft.
  • Closed Betas that have ≥10,000 users and are managed by the Publisher are subject to a Beta XR review prior to the release.
  • Closed Betas that have <50,000 users and are managed by the Xbox Insiders Program are not subject to a Beta XR review but are subject to a review by Microsoft.
  • Closed Betas that have ≥50,000 users and are managed by the Xbox Insiders Program are subject to a Beta XR review prior to the release.

In general, beta products are separate from the full game. All XRs will be applicable when only the full game is prepared for the release. In addition, none of the exceptions filed for the beta release will be applicable to the full game unless also filed under the full game. In limited scenarios (such as Free to Play), when a beta migrates to a full title, it must undergo a full certification pass, and all XRs will be applicable.

Game Preview

Game Preview titles require certification and adherence to the XRs listed below. Although the number of requirements is reduced for titles in the Game Preview program, this might not shorten the overall time frame necessary for updates. When a title exits the Game Preview program, it must undergo a full certification pass, and all XRs will be applicable.

Requirements for Betas and Game Preview titles

Beta and Game Preview titles must meet the following XRs for certification:

Requirement Xbox Consoles - Betas Xbox Consoles - Xbox Game Preview Windows 10 - Betas Windows 10 - Game Previews
XR-003: Title Quality for Submission (Submission Validator portions only) Yes Yes
XR-083: XDK/GDK Versions Yes Yes
XR-109: Linking Between Apps Yes Yes
XR-009: Secure Title Development Yes Yes
XR-132: Service Access Limitation Yes Yes Yes Yes
XR-133: Local Storage Write Limitations Yes Yes
XR-013: Linking Microsoft Accounts with Publisher Accounts Yes Yes Yes Yes
XR-014: Personal Information Yes Yes
XR-015: Managing Player Communication Yes Yes Yes Yes
XR-017: Title Ratings Yes
XR-022: Official Naming Standards Yes Yes Yes Yes
XR-045: Xbox network and Account Privileges Yes Yes Yes Yes
XR-046: Display Name and Gamerpic Yes Yes Yes Yes
XR-048: Profile Settings Usage Yes Yes Yes Yes
XR-064: Joinable Game Sessions and Online Play Yes Yes Yes Yes
XR-067: Maintaining Multiplayer Session State Yes Yes Yes Yes
XR-070: Xbox Friends Lists Yes Yes
XR-117: Beta/Game Preview Notification Yes Yes Yes Yes
Xbox Network Achievement Requirements (if offered) N/A Yes N/A Yes

Changes in this Release

Date Version of the document Description of changes
April 1, 2024 12.1 Removed XR-133 from PC Beta and Game Preview requirements as it does not apply.