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Debug a packaged GDK game with Unity

This topic will teach you how to debug a GDK game with Unity.


Some GDK platform features do not work in the editor, only a packaged GDK build. In order to set breakpoints and debug your code in a packaged version of your GDK game, follow the instructions below.

How to debug

  1. In the Unity Editor's main menu, go to File > Build Settings... to open the Build Settings dialog.
  2. In the Build Settings dialog, make sure you have PC, Mac & Linux Standalone as the platform.
  3. Make sure the Development Build, Script Debugging checkboxes are checked. If you are using Unity 2018+, you can also check the Wait For Managed Debugger checkbox to debug your games startup code.
    Screenshot of Build Settings in Unity
  4. Close the Build Settings dialog.
  5. In the Unity Editor's the main menu, select the GDK > Build and Run menu option.
  6. Click the Build and Run button to build and launch your game.
  7. Once your game has launched, go to Visual Studio and select Attach Unity Debugger.
    Screenshot of Attach Unity Debugger in Visual Studio
  8. In the Select Unity Instance dialog, select the player.
  9. Now you can set breakpoints, inspect variables and other take other debugging actions.