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Tracking dimension groups (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Product information management > Setup > Dimension groups > Tracking dimension groups.

Use this form to set up tracking dimension groups. The batch number and serial number are used to track inventory items.

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form. 

The tabs and controls that were added to this form for the Warehouse management features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 are not described in this topic. For information about these features, see Warehouse management.





The identifier of the group.


A descriptive name of the group.

Serial number control

Select this check box to indicate that inventory movements must have a quantity of 1. This constraint prevents one item from having two or more identical serial numbers. When items are physically received, or when they are updated as arrived, the physical on-hand quantity and the arrival quantity cannot exceed 1.

Based on the value of this field the Physical inventory check box is automatically selected or cleared to handle the control correctly.


Select this check box to define the dimension as an active dimension for the group.

Primary stocking

Select this check box to define the Warehouse dimension as the primary dimension for items that are associated with the dimension group.

If the Warehouse dimension is the primary dimension, it is always locked when items are reserved. It cannot be unlocked. For more information, see Change the reservation on a single order.

Blank receipt allowed

Select this check box to indicate that the dimension is not specified when physical receipts are updated. This option is useful if, for example, you want to specify the serial number or lot number for picking and output, but not for input.


This option only applies if the Primary stocking check box is cleared.

Blank issue allowed

Select this check box to indicate that the dimension is not specified when physical issues are updated.


This option only applies if the Primary stocking check box is cleared.

Physical inventory

A selected check box indicates that items that are assigned to this dimension group are physically tracked at this dimension level.


Transactions that are generated to track physical transfers are also included in cost calculations. A transfer that occurs between two inventory dimensions, and that is not financially tracked, is called a nonfinancial transfer.


If items are physically tracked, there is a limitation on negative inventory. Select the Physical negative inventory check box in the Item model groups form to enable negative inventory for items that are associated with the item model group. If negative inventory is not enabled, and an item with this dimension is physically tracked, transactions can only be processed for the item if the item is physically available.

Financial inventory

A selected check box indicates that items that are assigned to this dimension group are included in cost calculations at this dimension level. For more information, see Track running average cost per inventory dimension.

Coverage plan by dimension

Select this check box to include the dimension when you create a coverage plan for a product.


To create a coverage plan for a product, select the product in the Released product details form, and then click Item coverage on the Plan tab.

For purchase prices

Select this check box to include the dimension as a criterion for the purchase price of an item. In the Journal lines, price/discount agreement form, you can create a trade agreement in which you associate a purchase price with the setup of a dimension for an item.


Only active dimensions are available in the setup of a trade agreement. Select the Active check box in this form to enable a dimension.

For sales prices

Select this check box to include the dimension as a criterion for the sales price of an item. In the Journal lines, price/discount agreement form, you can create a trade agreement in which you associate a sales price with the setup of a dimension for an item.


Only active dimensions are available in the setup of a trade agreement. Select the Active check box in this form to enable a dimension.

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).