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Checklist for Electronic messages setup for MTD VAT

This article provides information about how the Electronic messages functionality should be set up so that it supports both the UK MTD VAT TEST processing for testing purposes and the UK MTD VAT returns processing for real-life interoperation with the production web application of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Use this information to determine whether the Electronic messages functionality is correctly set up.

Although this article includes the most important information about the setup, it doesn't include information about all the data. We recommend that you use a package of data entities that provides a predefined setup of the functionality and that includes all the data that is required to set up the processing for interoperation with Making Tax Digital for value-added tax (MTD VAT).

Electronic message processing

The following types of processing are defined to support interoperation with MTD VAT.

Name Description
UK MTD VAT TEST The test processing for the preparation and submission of VAT returns to the HMRC sandbox.
UK MTD VAT returns The processing to prepare and submit VAT returns to HMRC.


You must define security roles for both types of processing to enable access to them at the record level for business users.

Web applications

Both the UK MTD VAT TEST processing and the UK MTD VAT returns processing use the following web applications.

Name Description
Dynamics 365 Finance The HMRC web application for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance. This web application must be used for VAT return submission.
Sandbox HMRC The HMRC sandbox for Finance. This web application must be used for testing of the interation with sandbox of HMRC.

The following table shows the parameters of the web applications.

Parameter Value
Base URL
  • For Dynamics 365 Finance: https://api.service.hmrc.gov.uk
  • For Sandbox HMRC: https://test-api.service.hmrc.gov.uk
Authorization URL path /oauth/authorize
Token URL path /oauth/token
Redirect URL urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
Authorization format mapping MTD VAT authorization format (UK)
Import token model mapping

MTD VAT import token format (UK)

Note: In the list, this value is shown as MTD VAT token response format to model mapping.

Accept application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json
Content type application/json


You must define security roles for both web applications to enable access to the access token and interoperation with HMRC's API for business users.

Web service settings

Both the UK MTD VAT TEST processing and the UK MTD VAT returns processing use the following web services.

Name Description Web application
HMRC GET The HMRC web service for GET user requests. Dynamics 365 Finance
HMRC POST The HMRC web service for POST user requests. Dynamics 365 Finance
HMRC sandbox GET The sandbox that is used to test the HMRC web service for GET user requests. Sandbox HMRC
HMRC sandbox POST The sandbox that is used to test the HMRC web service for POST user requests. Sandbox HMRC

The following table shows the shared parameters for all these web services.

Parameter Value
Request type – XML NO
Accept application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json
Content type application/json
Request header format mapping MTD VAT web request headers format (UK)

The following table shows other request parameters that must be defined for these web services.

Web service Request method Successful response code
HMRC sandbox GET GET 200
HMRC sandbox POST POST 201

Additional fields

Both the UK MTD VAT TEST processing and the UK MTD VAT returns processing use the following additional fields.


None of these fields can be changed by the user.

Field Description
Due date The due date for the obligation period.
HMRC status

The obligation status in HMRC:

  • O – Open.
  • F – Fulfilled.
periodKey The ID code for the period that the obligation belongs to. This field is hidden.
Processing date The time when HMRC processed the message.
Received date The date when HMRC received the obligation.
Tax registration number The VAT registration number of the company that is submitting the VAT return.

Electronic message item types

The setup of electronic messages for both the UK MTD VAT TEST processing and the UK MTD VAT returns processing uses one type of electronic message item: VAT return.

Electronic message item statuses

Both the UK MTD VAT TEST processing and the UK MTD VAT returns processing use the following electronic message item statuses.

Status Description Records in this status can be deleted
Populated The record was filled in from sales tax payments. Yes
Excluded The record is excluded from report generation. Yes
To be reported The line will be included in the VAT return for submission. No
Reported The record was included in a VAT declaration file. No
Sent The record was sent to HMRC in a VAT declaration. No
Submitted The record was submitted to HMRC. No

Electronic message statuses

Both the UK MTD VAT TEST processing and the UK MTD VAT returns processing use the following electronic message statuses.

Status Description Records in this status can be deleted
New obligation request A new electronic message has been created to request retrieval of VAT obligations. Yes
Retrieved VAT obligation The VAT obligation request has been sent. Yes
Error VAT obligations retrieving A technical error occurred during retrieval of VAT obligations. Yes
Completed VAT obligations request VAT obligations have been successfully retrieved. Yes
Error VAT obligations importing A technical error occurred during import of VAT obligations. Yes
New VAT return This sales tax payment has been included for further submission. Yes
Ready to generate VAT return The message is ready to generate a VAT return. Yes
Generated VAT return The VAT return in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format has been generated and attached to the message. No
Error VAT return generation A technical error occurred when the Electronic reporting (ER) report was generated. Yes
Sent VAT return The VAT return has been sent to HMRC in JSON format. No
Error VAT return submission An error occurred during submission of the VAT return. Yes
Completed VAT return The VAT return has been completed. No
Error VAT return import response A technical error occurred during import of the VAT return response. Yes
New liabilities request A new electronic message has been created to request liabilities. Yes
Error VAT liabilities request A technical error occurred during the request for VAT liabilities. Yes
Completed VAT liabilities request VAT liabilities have been successfully retrieved. Yes
New payments request A new electronic message has been created to request VAT payment information. Yes
Error VAT payments request A technical error occurred during the request for VAT payments. Yes
Completed VAT payments request The request for VAT payments has been completed. Yes

Action populate records

Both the UK MTD VAT TEST processing and the UK MTD VAT returns processing use the Populate VAT return records action. The following table shows the setup of the data source for this action.

Property Value
Name VAT payment
Message item type VAT return
Account type All
Master table name TaxReportVoucher
Document number field Voucher
Document date field TransDate
Document account field TaxPeriod
User query Yes


Define the settlement period by using the Edit query button. For more information, see Define a sales tax settlement period.

Electronic message actions

Both the UK MTD VAT TEST processing and the UK MTD VAT returns processing use the following electronic message actions.

Name Description Action type
Create VAT obligation request

Create a message to retrieve VAT obligations.

  • From statuses: No
  • To statuses: New obligation request
Create message
Retrieve VAT obligations

Prepare the request to retrieve VAT obligations.

  • From statuses: Error VAT obligations retrieving, New obligation request
  • To statuses: Error VAT obligations retrieving, Retrieved VAT obligation
  • Format mapping for URL path: "MTD VAT interoperation (UK)"
  • Web service: "HMRC GET"
  • File name: "response.json.txt"
Web service
Test retrieve VAT obligations

Retrieve VAT obligations from the HMRC sandbox.

  • From statuses: Error VAT obligations retrieving, New obligation request
  • To statuses: Error VAT obligations retrieving, Retrieved VAT obligation
  • Format mapping for URL path: "MTD VAT interoperation (UK)"
  • Web service: "HMRC sandbox GET"
  • File name: "response.json.txt"
Web service
Import VAT obligations

Import the response that includes VAT obligations from HMRC.

  • From statuses: Retrieved VAT obligation, Error VAT obligations importing
  • To statuses: Completed VAT obligations request, Error VAT obligations importing
  • Model mapping: "MTD VAT obligations importing JSON (UK)"
Electronic reporting import
Populate VAT return records

Enter information in sales tax payment records.

  • From statuses: New VAT return
  • To statuses: No
  • Populates records action: "Populate VAT return records"
Populate records
Exclude from reporting Mark the sales tax payment record as excluded from reporting. This action doesn't change the electronic message status. User processing
Update to initial status Update the status of the sales tax payment to its initial status. This action doesn't change the electronic message status. User processing
Ready to generate VAT return

Update the status of the message to Ready to generate.

  • From statuses: New VAT return
  • To statuses: Ready to generate VAT return
Message level user processing
Update to initial status VAT return

Update the status of the message to its initial status.

  • From statuses: Generated VAT return, Ready to generate VAT return, Error VAT return generation, Error VAT return import response.
  • To statuses: New VAT return, Ready to generate VAT return
Message level user processing
Preview VAT return

Generate a preview file in Excel format.

  • From statuses: Error VAT return generation, Error VAT return submission, Ready to generate VAT return
  • To statuses: Error VAT return generation, Ready to generate VAT return
  • Format mapping: "VAT Declaration Excel (UK)"
  • File name: "VAT statement.xlsx"
Electronic reporting export message
Generate file for submission

Generate a VAT return file in JSON format for submission to HMRC.

  • From statuses: Error VAT return generation, Error VAT return submission, Ready to generate VAT return
  • To statuses: Error VAT return generation, Generated VAT return
  • Format mapping: "VAT Declaration JSON (UK)"
  • File name: "VAT_return.json"
Electronic reporting export message
Submit VAT return

Submit the VAT return in JSON format to HMRC.

  • From statuses: Error VAT return submission, Generated VAT return
  • To statuses: Error VAT return submission, Sent VAT return
  • Message item type: "VAT return"
  • Format mapping for URL path: "MTD VAT interoperation (UK)"
  • Web service: "HMRC POST"
  • File name: "response.json"
Web service
Test submit VAT return

Test submission of the VAT return to the HMRC sandbox.

  • From statuses: Error VAT return submission, Generated VAT return
  • To statuses: Error VAT return submission, Sent VAT return
  • Message item type: "VAT return"
  • Format mapping for URL path: "MTD VAT interoperation (UK)"
  • Web service: "HMRC sandbox POST"
  • File name: "response.json"
Web service
Import response for VAT return

Import a response from HMRC about the VAT return that was submitted.

  • From statuses: Sent VAT return, Error VAT return import response
  • To statuses: Completed VAT return, Error VAT return import response
  • Model mapping: "MTD VAT return response importing JSON (UK)"
Electronic reporting import
Create VAT liabilities request

Create a message to request VAT liabilities.

  • From statuses: No
  • To statuses: New liabilities request
Create message
Request VAT liabilities

Request VAT liabilities.

  • From statuses: Error VAT liabilities request, New liabilities request
  • To statuses: Completed VAT liabilities request, Error VAT liabilities request
  • Format mapping: "MTD VAT interoperation (UK)"
  • Web service: "HMRC GET"
  • File name: "response.json.txt"
Web service
Create VAT payments request

Create a message to request VAT payments.

  • From statuses: No
  • To statuses: New payments request
Create message
Request VAT payments

Request VAT payments.

  • From statuses: Error VAT payments request, New payments request
  • To statuses: Completed VAT payments request, Error VAT payments request
  • Format mapping: "MTD VAT interoperation (UK)"
  • Web service: "HMRC GET"
  • File name: "response.json.txt"
Web service

Electronic processing actions

The UK MTD VAT TEST processing uses the following electronic processing actions.

Name Run separately Inseparable sequence
Create VAT obligation request Yes
Test retrieve VAT obligations Yes Obligation
Import VAT obligations No Obligation
Populate VAT return records Yes
Exclude from reporting Yes
Update to initial status Yes
Ready to generate VAT return Yes
Update to initial status VAT return Yes
Preview VAT return Yes
Generate file for submission Yes
Test submit VAT return Yes Submission
Import response for VAT return No Submission

The UK MTD VAT returns processing uses the following electronic processing actions.

Name Run separately Inseparable sequence
Create VAT obligation request Yes
Retrieve VAT obligations Yes Obligation
Import VAT obligations No Obligation
Populate VAT return records Yes
Exclude from reporting Yes
Update to initial status Yes
Ready to generate VAT return Yes
Update to initial status VAT return Yes
Preview VAT return Yes
Generate file for submission Yes
Submit VAT return Yes Submission
Import response for VAT return No Submission
Create VAT liabilities request Yes
Request VAT liabilities Yes
Create VAT payments request Yes
Request VAT payments Yes