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Set up NF-e parameters for a fiscal establishment (Brazil)

Use the following procedure to set up the parameters for a Nota Fiscal eletrônica (NF-e) for a fiscal establishment. This task uses the BRMF demo company.

  1. Go to Organization administration > Organizations > Fiscal establishments > Fiscal establishments.
  2. Select a fiscal establishment to set up NF-e for.
  3. Expand the NF-e and NFC-e federal section.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Enter the digital certificate that authenticates the electronic fiscal documents that are issued by the fiscal establishment.
  6. Select the NF-e environment type.
    • Select Testing to issue an NF-e to the testing environment. Select Production to issue a valid NF-e to the tax authority's production environment.
  7. Select the version of the NF-e XML schema.
  8. Select the state tax authority for NF-e.
  9. Select the default email template that should be used to notify the customer when the NF-e is authorized by the tax authority.
  10. Select the default email template that should be used to notify the customer when the NF-e is canceled by the tax authority.
  11. Select the default email template that should be used to notify the customer when the NF-e is updated by an electronic correction letter.
  12. Select Yes in the Preprinted security form field.
    • Select this option when the fiscal establishment uses a preprinted security form to print DANFE in the security form contingency mode.
  13. Select Yes in the Attach the DANFE as PDF file to email field.
    • Select this option to automatically attach the DANFE to the email that is sent to the customer after the NF-e has been authorized by the tax authority.
  14. Select Yes in the Print DANFE when NF-e is approved field.
    • Select this option to automatically print the DANFE after the NF-e has been authorized by the tax authority.
  15. Select Yes in the Validate XML schema on posting field.
    • Select this option to validate the NF-e XML against the official XML schema that is published by the tax authority before fiscal documents are posted.
  16. Select Yes in the Post only NF-e that have valid access keys field.
    • Select this option to validate the NF-e access key from an NF-e that is issued by a vendor before vendor fiscal documents are posted.
  17. Select Yes in the Block NF-e posting if XML does not match field.
    • Select this option if a vendor fiscal document should not be posted if the NF-e XML from the vendor doesn't match the order.
  18. Click Save.
  19. Close the page.