AssemblyBuilder.DefineVersionInfoResource Метод
Некоторые сведения относятся к предварительной версии продукта, в которую до выпуска могут быть внесены существенные изменения. Майкрософт не предоставляет никаких гарантий, явных или подразумеваемых, относительно приведенных здесь сведений.
Определяет неуправляемую версию информационного ресурса для этой сборки.
DefineVersionInfoResource() |
Определяет неуправляемый ресурс сведений о версии с помощью сведений, указанных в объекте AssemblyName и настраиваемых атрибутах сборки. |
DefineVersionInfoResource(String, String, String, String, String) |
Определяет неуправляемую версию информационного ресурса для этой сборки с учетом заданных спецификаций. |
Определяет неуправляемый ресурс сведений о версии с помощью сведений, указанных в объекте AssemblyName и настраиваемых атрибутах сборки.
void DefineVersionInfoResource();
public void DefineVersionInfoResource();
member this.DefineVersionInfoResource : unit -> unit
Public Sub DefineVersionInfoResource ()
Неуправляемая версия информационного ресурса была определена ранее.
Объем неуправляемых сведений о версии слишком велик для сохранения.
У вызывающего объекта отсутствует необходимое разрешение.
В приведенном ниже примере показано использование DefineVersionInfoResource
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
// Create the callee transient dynamic assembly.
static Type^ CreateAssembly( AppDomain^ myDomain )
AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName = gcnew AssemblyName;
myAssemblyName->Name = "MyEmittedAssembly";
AssemblyBuilder^ myAssembly = myDomain->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::Save );
// Set Company Attribute to the assembly.
Type^ companyAttribute = AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid;
array<Type^>^types1 = {String::typeid};
ConstructorInfo^ myConstructorInfo1 = companyAttribute->GetConstructor( types1 );
array<Object^>^obj1 = {"Microsoft Corporation"};
CustomAttributeBuilder^ attributeBuilder1 = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder( myConstructorInfo1,obj1 );
myAssembly->SetCustomAttribute( attributeBuilder1 );
// Set Copyright Attribute to the assembly.
Type^ copyrightAttribute = AssemblyCopyrightAttribute::typeid;
array<Type^>^types2 = {String::typeid};
ConstructorInfo^ myConstructorInfo2 = copyrightAttribute->GetConstructor( types2 );
array<Object^>^obj2 = {"@Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1990-2001"};
CustomAttributeBuilder^ attributeBuilder2 = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder( myConstructorInfo2,obj2 );
myAssembly->SetCustomAttribute( attributeBuilder2 );
ModuleBuilder^ myModule = myAssembly->DefineDynamicModule( "EmittedModule", "EmittedModule.mod" );
// Define a public class named S"HelloWorld" in the assembly.
TypeBuilder^ helloWorldClass = myModule->DefineType( "HelloWorld", TypeAttributes::Public );
// Define the Display method.
MethodBuilder^ myMethod = helloWorldClass->DefineMethod( "Display", MethodAttributes::Public, String::typeid, nullptr );
// Generate IL for GetGreeting.
ILGenerator^ methodIL = myMethod->GetILGenerator();
methodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "Display method get called." );
methodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );
// Returns the type HelloWorld.
return (helloWorldClass->CreateType());
int main()
AssemblyName^ assemName = gcnew AssemblyName();
assemName->Name = "EmittedAssembly";
// Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
// specifying that the assembly is to be saved.
AssemblyBuilder^ myAssembly =
// To apply an attribute to a dynamic assembly, first get the
// attribute type. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute sets the
// File Version field on the Version tab of the Windows file
// properties dialog.
Type^ attributeType = AssemblyFileVersionAttribute::typeid;
// To identify the constructor, use an array of types representing
// the constructor's parameter types. This ctor takes a string.
array<Type^>^ ctorParameters = { String::typeid };
// Get the constructor for the attribute.
ConstructorInfo^ ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
// Pass the constructor and an array of arguments (in this case,
// an array containing a single string) to the
// CustomAttributeBuilder constructor.
array<Object^>^ ctorArgs = { "2.0.3033.0" };
CustomAttributeBuilder^ attribute =
gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// Finally, apply the attribute to the assembly.
// The pattern described above is used to create and apply
// several more attributes. As it happens, all these attributes
// have a constructor that takes a string, so the same ctorArgs
// variable works for all of them.
// The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on
// the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file
// properties dialog.
attributeType = AssemblyTitleAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
ctorArgs = gcnew array<Object^> { "The Application Title" };
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on
// the Version tab.
attributeType = AssemblyCopyrightAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
ctorArgs = gcnew array<Object^> { "� My Example Company 1991-2005" };
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item.
attributeType = AssemblyDescriptionAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
gcnew array<Object^> { "This is a comment." });
// The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item.
attributeType = AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
gcnew array<Object^> { "My Example Company" });
// The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item.
attributeType = AssemblyProductAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
gcnew array<Object^> { "My Product Name" });
// Define the assembly's only module. For a single-file assembly,
// the module name is the assembly name.
ModuleBuilder^ myModule =
assemName->Name + ".exe");
// No types or methods are created for this example.
// Define the unmanaged version information resource, which
// contains the attribute informaion applied earlier, and save
// the assembly. Use the Windows Explorer to examine the properties
// of the .exe file.
myAssembly->Save(assemName->Name + ".exe");
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
class Example
public static void Main()
AssemblyName assemName = new AssemblyName();
assemName.Name = "EmittedAssembly";
// Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
// specifying that the assembly is to be saved.
AssemblyBuilder myAssembly =
// To apply an attribute to a dynamic assembly, first get the
// attribute type. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute sets the
// File Version field on the Version tab of the Windows file
// properties dialog.
Type attributeType = typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute);
// To identify the constructor, use an array of types representing
// the constructor's parameter types. This ctor takes a string.
Type[] ctorParameters = { typeof(string) };
// Get the constructor for the attribute.
ConstructorInfo ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
// Pass the constructor and an array of arguments (in this case,
// an array containing a single string) to the
// CustomAttributeBuilder constructor.
object[] ctorArgs = { "2.0.3033.0" };
CustomAttributeBuilder attribute =
new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// Finally, apply the attribute to the assembly.
// The pattern described above is used to create and apply
// several more attributes. As it happens, all these attributes
// have a constructor that takes a string, so the same ctorArgs
// variable works for all of them.
// The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on
// the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file
// properties dialog.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
ctorArgs = new object[] { "The Application Title" };
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on
// the Version tab.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
ctorArgs = new object[] { "© My Example Company 1991-2005" };
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
new object[] { "This is a comment." });
// The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
new object[] { "My Example Company" });
// The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyProductAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
new object[] { "My Product Name" });
// Define the assembly's only module. For a single-file assembly,
// the module name is the assembly name.
ModuleBuilder myModule =
assemName.Name + ".exe");
// No types or methods are created for this example.
// Define the unmanaged version information resource, which
// contains the attribute informaion applied earlier, and save
// the assembly. Use the Windows Explorer to examine the properties
// of the .exe file.
myAssembly.Save(assemName.Name + ".exe");
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
Module Example
Sub Main()
Dim assemName As New AssemblyName()
assemName.Name = "EmittedAssembly"
' Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
' specifying that the assembly is to be saved.
Dim myAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = _
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemName, _
' To apply an attribute to a dynamic assembly, first get the
' attribute type. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute sets the
' File Version field on the Version tab of the Windows file
' properties dialog.
Dim attributeType As Type = GetType(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)
' To identify the constructor, use an array of types representing
' the constructor's parameter types. This ctor takes a string.
Dim ctorParameters() As Type = { GetType(String) }
' Get the constructor for the attribute.
Dim ctor As ConstructorInfo = _
' Pass the constructor and an array of arguments (in this case,
' an array containing a single string) to the
' CustomAttributeBuilder constructor.
Dim ctorArgs() As Object = { "2.0.3033.0" }
Dim attribute As New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs)
' Finally, apply the attribute to the assembly.
' The pattern described above is used to create and apply
' several more attributes. As it happens, all these attributes
' have a constructor that takes a string, so the same ctorArgs
' variable works for all of them.
' The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on
' the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file
' properties dialog.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyTitleAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
ctorArgs = New Object() { "The Application Title" }
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs)
' The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on
' the Version tab.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
ctorArgs = New Object() { "© My Example Company 1991-2005" }
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs)
' The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, _
New Object() { "This is a comment." })
' The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyCompanyAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, _
New Object() { "My Example Company" })
' The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyProductAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, _
New Object() { "My Product Name" })
' Define the assembly's only module. For a single-file assembly,
' the module name is the assembly name.
Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = _
myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(assemName.Name, _
assemName.Name & ".exe")
' No types or methods are created for this example.
' Define the unmanaged version information resource, which
' contains the attribute informaion applied earlier, and save
' the assembly. Use the Windows Explorer to examine the properties
' of the .exe file.
myAssembly.Save(assemName.Name & ".exe")
End Sub
End Module
Сборка может быть связана только с одним неуправляемым ресурсом. Это означает, что вызов DefineVersionInfoResource или DefineUnmanagedResource после любого из методов, который был вызван ранее, вызовет исключение System.ArgumentException. Несколько неуправляемых ресурсов необходимо объединить с таким средством, как служебная программа Microsoft ResMerge (не поставляется с пакетом SDK среды CLR).
Пустые строки аргументов записываются в виде одного пробела. Пробелы заменяются пустыми символами в строках аргументов.
Информация выводится из объекта , используемого AssemblyName
для определения этой динамической сборки. Настраиваемые атрибуты этой сборки переопределяют сведения, указанные в объекте AssemblyName
Начиная с платформа .NET Framework 2.0 с пакетом обновления 1 (SP1), этому члену ReflectionPermissionFlag.ReflectionEmit больше не нужен ReflectionPermission флаг . (См. раздел Проблемы безопасности при отображении отражения.) Чтобы использовать эту функцию, приложение должно быть предназначено для платформа .NET Framework 3.5 или более поздней версии.
Применяется к
DefineVersionInfoResource(String, String, String, String, String)
Определяет неуправляемую версию информационного ресурса для этой сборки с учетом заданных спецификаций.
void DefineVersionInfoResource(System::String ^ product, System::String ^ productVersion, System::String ^ company, System::String ^ copyright, System::String ^ trademark);
public void DefineVersionInfoResource(string product, string productVersion, string company, string copyright, string trademark);
member this.DefineVersionInfoResource : string * string * string * string * string -> unit
Public Sub DefineVersionInfoResource (product As String, productVersion As String, company As String, copyright As String, trademark As String)
- product
- String
Имя продукта, с которым поставляется данная сборка.
- productVersion
- String
Версия продукта, с которым поставляется данная сборка.
- company
- String
Название организации, которая является создателем сборки.
- copyright
- String
Описывает все уведомления об авторских правах, товарные знаки и охраняемые товарные знаки, применимые к этой сборке. Это должен быть полный текст всех уведомлений, допустимых символов, сроки действия прав, номера товарных знаков и так далее. На русском языке эта строка должна быть в формате "© Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corporation) 1990-2001".
- trademark
- String
Описывает товарные знаки и охраняемые товарные знаки, применимые к этой сборке. Это должен быть полный текст всех уведомлений, допустимых символов, номера товарных знаков и так далее. На русском языке эта строка должна быть в формате "Windows является товарным знаком корпорации Майкрософт".
Неуправляемая версия информационного ресурса была определена ранее.
Объем неуправляемых сведений о версии слишком велик для сохранения.
У вызывающего объекта отсутствует необходимое разрешение.
В приведенном ниже примере показано использование DefineVersionInfoResource
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
// Create the callee transient dynamic assembly.
static Type^ CreateAssembly( AppDomain^ myDomain )
AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName = gcnew AssemblyName;
myAssemblyName->Name = "MyEmittedAssembly";
AssemblyBuilder^ myAssembly = myDomain->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::Save );
// Set Company Attribute to the assembly.
Type^ companyAttribute = AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid;
array<Type^>^types1 = {String::typeid};
ConstructorInfo^ myConstructorInfo1 = companyAttribute->GetConstructor( types1 );
array<Object^>^obj1 = {"Microsoft Corporation"};
CustomAttributeBuilder^ attributeBuilder1 = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder( myConstructorInfo1,obj1 );
myAssembly->SetCustomAttribute( attributeBuilder1 );
// Set Copyright Attribute to the assembly.
Type^ copyrightAttribute = AssemblyCopyrightAttribute::typeid;
array<Type^>^types2 = {String::typeid};
ConstructorInfo^ myConstructorInfo2 = copyrightAttribute->GetConstructor( types2 );
array<Object^>^obj2 = {"@Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1990-2001"};
CustomAttributeBuilder^ attributeBuilder2 = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder( myConstructorInfo2,obj2 );
myAssembly->SetCustomAttribute( attributeBuilder2 );
ModuleBuilder^ myModule = myAssembly->DefineDynamicModule( "EmittedModule", "EmittedModule.mod" );
// Define a public class named S"HelloWorld" in the assembly.
TypeBuilder^ helloWorldClass = myModule->DefineType( "HelloWorld", TypeAttributes::Public );
// Define the Display method.
MethodBuilder^ myMethod = helloWorldClass->DefineMethod( "Display", MethodAttributes::Public, String::typeid, nullptr );
// Generate IL for GetGreeting.
ILGenerator^ methodIL = myMethod->GetILGenerator();
methodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "Display method get called." );
methodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );
// Returns the type HelloWorld.
return (helloWorldClass->CreateType());
int main()
AssemblyName^ assemName = gcnew AssemblyName();
assemName->Name = "EmittedAssembly";
// Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
// specifying that the assembly is to be saved.
AssemblyBuilder^ myAssembly =
// To apply an attribute to a dynamic assembly, first get the
// attribute type. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute sets the
// File Version field on the Version tab of the Windows file
// properties dialog.
Type^ attributeType = AssemblyFileVersionAttribute::typeid;
// To identify the constructor, use an array of types representing
// the constructor's parameter types. This ctor takes a string.
array<Type^>^ ctorParameters = { String::typeid };
// Get the constructor for the attribute.
ConstructorInfo^ ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
// Pass the constructor and an array of arguments (in this case,
// an array containing a single string) to the
// CustomAttributeBuilder constructor.
array<Object^>^ ctorArgs = { "2.0.3033.0" };
CustomAttributeBuilder^ attribute =
gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// Finally, apply the attribute to the assembly.
// The pattern described above is used to create and apply
// several more attributes. As it happens, all these attributes
// have a constructor that takes a string, so the same ctorArgs
// variable works for all of them.
// The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on
// the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file
// properties dialog.
attributeType = AssemblyTitleAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
ctorArgs = gcnew array<Object^> { "The Application Title" };
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on
// the Version tab.
attributeType = AssemblyCopyrightAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
ctorArgs = gcnew array<Object^> { "� My Example Company 1991-2005" };
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item.
attributeType = AssemblyDescriptionAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
gcnew array<Object^> { "This is a comment." });
// The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item.
attributeType = AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
gcnew array<Object^> { "My Example Company" });
// The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item.
attributeType = AssemblyProductAttribute::typeid;
ctor = attributeType->GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = gcnew CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
gcnew array<Object^> { "My Product Name" });
// Define the assembly's only module. For a single-file assembly,
// the module name is the assembly name.
ModuleBuilder^ myModule =
assemName->Name + ".exe");
// No types or methods are created for this example.
// Define the unmanaged version information resource, which
// contains the attribute informaion applied earlier, and save
// the assembly. Use the Windows Explorer to examine the properties
// of the .exe file.
myAssembly->Save(assemName->Name + ".exe");
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
class Example
public static void Main()
AssemblyName assemName = new AssemblyName();
assemName.Name = "EmittedAssembly";
// Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
// specifying that the assembly is to be saved.
AssemblyBuilder myAssembly =
// To apply an attribute to a dynamic assembly, first get the
// attribute type. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute sets the
// File Version field on the Version tab of the Windows file
// properties dialog.
Type attributeType = typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute);
// To identify the constructor, use an array of types representing
// the constructor's parameter types. This ctor takes a string.
Type[] ctorParameters = { typeof(string) };
// Get the constructor for the attribute.
ConstructorInfo ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
// Pass the constructor and an array of arguments (in this case,
// an array containing a single string) to the
// CustomAttributeBuilder constructor.
object[] ctorArgs = { "2.0.3033.0" };
CustomAttributeBuilder attribute =
new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// Finally, apply the attribute to the assembly.
// The pattern described above is used to create and apply
// several more attributes. As it happens, all these attributes
// have a constructor that takes a string, so the same ctorArgs
// variable works for all of them.
// The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on
// the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file
// properties dialog.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
ctorArgs = new object[] { "The Application Title" };
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on
// the Version tab.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
ctorArgs = new object[] { "© My Example Company 1991-2005" };
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs);
// The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
new object[] { "This is a comment." });
// The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
new object[] { "My Example Company" });
// The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item.
attributeType = typeof(AssemblyProductAttribute);
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters);
attribute = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor,
new object[] { "My Product Name" });
// Define the assembly's only module. For a single-file assembly,
// the module name is the assembly name.
ModuleBuilder myModule =
assemName.Name + ".exe");
// No types or methods are created for this example.
// Define the unmanaged version information resource, which
// contains the attribute informaion applied earlier, and save
// the assembly. Use the Windows Explorer to examine the properties
// of the .exe file.
myAssembly.Save(assemName.Name + ".exe");
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
Module Example
Sub Main()
Dim assemName As New AssemblyName()
assemName.Name = "EmittedAssembly"
' Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
' specifying that the assembly is to be saved.
Dim myAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = _
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemName, _
' To apply an attribute to a dynamic assembly, first get the
' attribute type. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute sets the
' File Version field on the Version tab of the Windows file
' properties dialog.
Dim attributeType As Type = GetType(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)
' To identify the constructor, use an array of types representing
' the constructor's parameter types. This ctor takes a string.
Dim ctorParameters() As Type = { GetType(String) }
' Get the constructor for the attribute.
Dim ctor As ConstructorInfo = _
' Pass the constructor and an array of arguments (in this case,
' an array containing a single string) to the
' CustomAttributeBuilder constructor.
Dim ctorArgs() As Object = { "2.0.3033.0" }
Dim attribute As New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs)
' Finally, apply the attribute to the assembly.
' The pattern described above is used to create and apply
' several more attributes. As it happens, all these attributes
' have a constructor that takes a string, so the same ctorArgs
' variable works for all of them.
' The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on
' the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file
' properties dialog.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyTitleAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
ctorArgs = New Object() { "The Application Title" }
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs)
' The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on
' the Version tab.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
ctorArgs = New Object() { "© My Example Company 1991-2005" }
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, ctorArgs)
' The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, _
New Object() { "This is a comment." })
' The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyCompanyAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, _
New Object() { "My Example Company" })
' The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item.
attributeType = GetType(AssemblyProductAttribute)
ctor = attributeType.GetConstructor(ctorParameters)
attribute = New CustomAttributeBuilder(ctor, _
New Object() { "My Product Name" })
' Define the assembly's only module. For a single-file assembly,
' the module name is the assembly name.
Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = _
myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(assemName.Name, _
assemName.Name & ".exe")
' No types or methods are created for this example.
' Define the unmanaged version information resource, which
' contains the attribute informaion applied earlier, and save
' the assembly. Use the Windows Explorer to examine the properties
' of the .exe file.
myAssembly.Save(assemName.Name & ".exe")
End Sub
End Module
Сборка может быть связана только с одним неуправляемым ресурсом. Это означает, что вызов DefineVersionInfoResource или DefineUnmanagedResource после любого из методов, который был вызван ранее, вызовет исключение System.ArgumentException. Несколько неуправляемых ресурсов необходимо объединить с таким средством, как служебная программа Майкрософт ResMerge
(не поставляется с пакетом SDK среды CLR).
Пустые строки аргументов записываются в виде одного пробела. Пробелы заменяются пустыми символами в строках аргументов.
Структура ресурса версии включает данные, определяющие версию, язык и распространение файла. Программы установки используют функции в библиотеке установки файлов (VER.DLL) для получения ресурса сведений о версии из файла и для извлечения блоков сведений о версии из ресурса.
Начиная с платформа .NET Framework 2.0 с пакетом обновления 1 (SP1), этому члену ReflectionPermissionFlag.ReflectionEmit больше не нужен ReflectionPermission флаг . (См. раздел Проблемы безопасности при отображении отражения.) Чтобы использовать эту функцию, приложение должно быть предназначено для платформа .NET Framework 3.5 или более поздней версии.