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TransactionIsolationLevel Перечисление


Указывает значение объекта TransactionAttribute.

public enum class TransactionIsolationLevel
public enum TransactionIsolationLevel
type TransactionIsolationLevel = 
Public Enum TransactionIsolationLevel


Имя Значение Описание
Any 0

Уровень изоляции для компонента получается из уровня изоляции вызываемого компонента. Если это корневой компонент, используется уровень изоляции Serializable.

ReadCommitted 2

В процессе чтения данных совмещаемые блокировки сохраняются, чтобы избежать чтения измененных данных, однако данные могут быть изменены до окончания транзакции, что может стать причиной неповторяемых считываний или появления фиктивных данных.

ReadUncommitted 1

Возникают совмещаемые блокировки и монопольные блокировки не выполняются.

RepeatableRead 3

Блокировки помещаются на все данные, используемые в запросе, что предотвращает обновление данных другими пользователями. Предотвращает неповторяемое чтение, однако появление фиктивных строк остается возможным.

Serializable 4

Запрещает обновление или вставку до завершения транзакции.


В следующем примере кода показано использование TransactionIsolationLevel типа .

#using <System.EnterpriseServices.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::EnterpriseServices;
using namespace System::Reflection;

// References:
// System.EnterpriseServices

// An instance of this class will inherit its caller's transaction isolation
// level if available. If not, it will use isolation level Serializable.
public ref class IsolationAny : public ServicedComponent

// An instance of this class will read only committed data, but non-repeatable
// reads and phantom rows are still possible.
public ref class IsolationReadCommitted : public ServicedComponent

// An instance of this class will read committed and uncommitted data, so dirty
// reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom rows are possible.
public ref class IsolationReadUncommitted : public ServicedComponent

// An instance of this class will read only committed data and place shared
// locks on the data, preventing other users from modifying it, but other users
// can still insert rows into the data set, so phantom rows are still possible.
public ref class IsolationRepeatableRead : public ServicedComponent

// An instance of this class will read only committed data and place a range
// lock on the data set, preventing other users from updating or inserting rows
// into the data set until its transaction is complete.
public ref class IsolationSerializable : public ServicedComponent
using System;
using System.EnterpriseServices;
using System.Reflection;

// References:
// System.EnterpriseServices

// An instance of this class will inherit its caller's transaction isolation
// level if available. If not, it will use isolation level Serializable.
public class TransactionAttribute_IsolationAny : ServicedComponent

// An instance of this class will read only committed data, but non-repeatable
// reads and phantom rows are still possible.
public class TransactionAttribute_IsolationReadCommitted : ServicedComponent

// An instance of this class will read committed and uncommitted data, so dirty
// reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom rows are possible.
public class TransactionAttribute_IsolationReadUncommitted : ServicedComponent

// An instance of this class will read only committed data and place shared
// locks on the data, preventing other users from modifying it, but other users
// can still insert rows into the data set, so phantom rows are still possible.
public class TransactionAttribute_IsolationRepeatableRead : ServicedComponent

// An instance of this class will read only committed data and place a range
// lock on the data set, preventing other users from updating or inserting rows
// into the data set until its transaction is complete.
public class TransactionAttribute_IsolationSerializable : ServicedComponent
Imports System.EnterpriseServices
Imports System.Reflection

' References:
' System.EnterpriseServices

' An instance of this class will inherit its caller's transaction isolation
' level if available. If not, it will use isolation level Serializable.
<Transaction(Isolation := TransactionIsolationLevel.Any)>  _
Public Class TransactionAttribute_IsolationAny
    Inherits ServicedComponent
End Class

' An instance of this class will read only committed data, but non-repeatable
' reads and phantom rows are still possible.
<Transaction(Isolation := TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)>  _
Public Class TransactionAttribute_IsolationReadCommitted
    Inherits ServicedComponent
End Class

' An instance of this class will read committed and uncommitted data, so dirty
' reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom rows are possible.
<Transaction(Isolation := TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted)>  _
Public Class TransactionAttribute_IsolationReadUncommitted
    Inherits ServicedComponent
End Class

' An instance of this class will read only committed data and place shared
' locks on the data, preventing other users from modifying it, but other users
' can still insert rows into the data set, so phantom rows are still possible.
<Transaction(Isolation := TransactionIsolationLevel.RepeatableRead)>  _
Public Class TransactionAttribute_IsolationRepeatableRead
    Inherits ServicedComponent
End Class

' An instance of this class will read only committed data and place a range
' lock on the data set, preventing other users from updating or inserting rows
' into the data set until its transaction is complete.
<Transaction(Isolation := TransactionIsolationLevel.Serializable)>  _
Public Class TransactionAttribute_IsolationSerializable
    Inherits ServicedComponent
End Class

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