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GRPixelConfig Enum



Use SKColorType instead.

Various pixel configurations supported.

public enum GRPixelConfig
[System.Obsolete("Use SKColorType instead.")]
public enum GRPixelConfig


Name Value Description
Unknown 0

The pixel configuration is not known or not set.

Alpha8 1

8-bit Alpha.

Gray8 2

8-bit grayscale color channel.

Rgb565 3

16-bit channel. Byte order is RGB.

Rgba4444 4

Premultiplied 16-bit channel. Byte order is RGBA.

Rgba8888 5

Premultiplied 32-bit channel. Byte order is RGBA.

Rgb888 6

Premultiplied, opaque 32-bit color with the format RGB, with 8 bits per color component.

Bgra8888 7

Premultiplied 32-bit channel. Byte order is BGRA.

Srgba8888 8

Premultiplied and sRGB. Byte order is RGBA.

Rgba8888SInt 9

Premultiplied 32-bit (signed) channel. Byte order is BGRA.

Sbgra8888 9

Premultiplied and sRGB. Byte order is BGRA.

Rgba1010102 10

Premultiplied 32-bit color with the format RGBA, with 10 bits per color component and 2 bits for the alpha component.

RgbaFloat 11

32-bit channel. Byte order is RGBA.

RgFloat 12

32-bit channel. Byte order is RG.

AlphaHalf 13

Single 16-bit float channel.

RgbaHalf 14

16-bit channel. Byte order is RGBA.

Alpha8AsAlpha 15
Alpha8AsRed 16
AlphaHalfAsLum 17
AlphaHalfAsRed 18
Gray8AsLum 19
Gray8AsRed 20
RgbaHalfClamped 21
Alpha16 22
Rg1616 23
Rgba16161616 24
RgHalf 25
Rg88 26
Rgb888x 27
RgbEtc1 28

Applies to