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VsQueryEditFlags Enum


__VSQueryEditFlags, __VSQueryEditFlags2

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum class VsQueryEditFlags
public enum class VsQueryEditFlags
enum VsQueryEditFlags
public enum VsQueryEditFlags
type VsQueryEditFlags = 
Public Enum VsQueryEditFlags


Name Value Description
AllowInMemoryEdits 0

In-memory edits are allowed

ForceInMemoryEdits 1

In-memory edits are allowed regardless

DisallowInMemoryEdits 2

In-memory edits are disallowed regardless

SilentMode 4

No UI is put up, but silent operations may be performed to make files editable

ImplicitEdit 8

Use this flag carefully: this flag disables the cancel button on the checkout dialog; the cancel action is interpreted as the user choice for allowing in memory editing

ReportOnly 16

No UI is put up, and no action is taken; return values indicate if an edit would be allowed, modulo user interaction, option settings and external conditions

NoReload 32

Disallow edit if it would cause a reload to occur

ForceEdit_NoPrompting 64

Perform operations to make files editable, regardless of option settings, and without user interaction

AllowUnopenedProjects 128

Allows to call QueryEditFiles for project files of unloaded projects or projects that are still being loaded and might not have IVsHierarchy yet. QEF_SilentMode is assumed for the flag, i.e. there will never be any UI shown for files of unopened projects.

CheckoutLocalVersion 256

Attempt to checkout local version

CheckoutLatestVersion 512

Attempt to checkout latest version

DetectAnyChangedFile 1024

Detect changes in any file involved in the operation and return QER_Changed if any file was changed on disk.

Applies to