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IVsWindowFrame Interface


Provides access to behaviors and properties of environment window frames, for both tool and document windows.

public interface class IVsWindowFrame
public interface class IVsWindowFrame
__interface IVsWindowFrame
public interface IVsWindowFrame
public interface IVsWindowFrame
type IVsWindowFrame = interface
type IVsWindowFrame = interface
Public Interface IVsWindowFrame


The environment does not provide two modes for controls hosted in an IVsWindowFrame object. A check for ambient properties returns null indicating that ambient properties are not supported.

A VSPackage that implements IOleObject, such as an editor that uses a document window, might call the GetAmbientUserMode method to check for design mode or run mode. While the guidelines for ActiveX control containers state that the containers (or sites) should support ambient properties, this doesn't work in Visual Studio because the site created for the VSPackage does not support ambient properties.

UserMode normally indicates the mode in which the control should be run:

Run Mode

UserMode == false



UserMode == true

Notes to Callers

Call IVsWindowFrame to obtain an IVsWindowFrame pointer to call methods on a document or tool window. IVsWindowFrame is implemented by the environment through the SVsWindowFrame service.



Closes a window.

GetFramePos(VSSETFRAMEPOS[], Guid, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)

Returns the position of the window.

GetGuidProperty(Int32, Guid)

Returns a window frame property based on a supplied GUID.

GetProperty(Int32, Object)

Returns a window property.


Hides a window.


Returns true if the window frame is on the screen.


Determines whether or not the window is visible.

QueryViewInterface(Guid, IntPtr)

Provides IVsWindowFrame with a view helper (VSFPROPID_ViewHelper) inserted into its list of event notifications.

SetFramePos(VSSETFRAMEPOS, Guid, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)

Sets the position of the window.

SetGuidProperty(Int32, Guid)

Sets a window frame property based on a supplied GUID.

SetProperty(Int32, Object)

Sets a window frame property.


Renders this window visible, brings the window to the top, and activates the window.


Shows or makes a window visible and brings it to the top, but does not make it the active window.

Applies to