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ShapeField Class


Defines the base class for shape fields, which are components of a ShapeElement that are capable of drawing and editing. ShapeFields are analogous to Controls on a Form.

public ref class ShapeField abstract
public abstract class ShapeField
type ShapeField = class
Public MustInherit Class ShapeField


If you want to display items such as text or images within a ShapeElement, instantiate ShapeField-derived classes such as TextField or ImageField.



Initializes a new instance of the ShapeField class.



Gets the AnchoringBehavior for this ShapeField.


Gets or sets the default accessible description.


Gets or sets the default accessible name.


Gets or sets the default accessible state.


Gets or sets the id of the default background brush to use for this ShapeField.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ShapeField can receive focus by default.


Gets or sets the id of the default background brush to use for this ShapeField.


Gets or sets the id of the default pen to use for this ShapeField.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether this field should show the focused state of its parent.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether this field should show the selected state of its parent.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ShapeField can be selected by default.


Gets or sets the id of the default background brush to use for this ShapeField.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ShapeField is visible by default.


Gets the unique identifier for this ShapeField.



Performs the default action associated with this accessible object.


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether in-place editor should be allowed to size automatically. Default is false.

AssociateValueWith(Store, AssociatedPropertyInfo)

Associates this shape field's value with a domain property on the ShapeElement. Use this method when the domain property is a proxy for another property.

AssociateValueWith(Store, Guid, AssociatedPropertyInfo)

Associates this shape field's value with a domain property on the ShapeElement, when the shape is mapped to an instance of the given domain class. Use this method when there are multiple domain classes that this shape field can be mapped to.

AssociateValueWith(Store, Guid)

Associates this shape field's value with a domain property on the ShapeElement. Use this method when the domain property is a proxy for another property.

AssociateVisibilityWith(Store, AssociatedPropertyInfo)

Associates this shape field's visibility with a domain property on the ShapeElement.

AssociateVisibilityWith(Store, Guid, AssociatedPropertyInfo)

Associates this shape field's visibility with a domain property on the ShapeElement, when the shape is mapped to an instance of the given domain class. Use this method when there are multiple domain classes that this shape field can be mapped to.

AssociateVisibilityWith(Store, Guid)

Associates this shape field's visibility with a domain property on the ShapeElement.

CanEditValue(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Returns a value indicating whether the value of this field can be edited.

CommitPendingEdit(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Commits the pending edit.

DoHitTest(PointD, ShapeElement, DiagramHitTestInfo)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified point is within the bounds of the ShapeField.

DoKeyboardNavigation(Keys, DiagramClientView, DiagramItem)

Calls the appropriate navigation method on the shape field.

DoPaint(DiagramPaintEventArgs, ShapeElement)

Draws the shape field.

EditValue(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView, PointD)

Invokes the in-place editor, setting the caret using the specified mouse position.

EditValue(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Invokes the in-place editor.

FindFirstChild(ShapeElement, Boolean)

Called by this ShapeField to get its first child subfield in the navigation sequence.

FindLastChild(ShapeElement, Boolean)

Called by this ShapeField to get its last subfield in the navigation sequence.

FindNextChild(DiagramItem, Boolean)

Called by the ShapeSubField to get the next sibling item following it in the navigation sequence.

FindNextInChildSubFields(ShapeElement, DiagramItem, Boolean)

Finds this ShapeField's next child subfield in the navigation sequence.

FindPreviousChild(DiagramItem, Boolean)

Called by the ShapeSubField to get the next sibling item preceding it in the navigation sequence.

FindPreviousInChildSubFields(ShapeElement, DiagramItem, Boolean)

Finds this ShapeField's previous child subfield in the navigation sequence.

Focused(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Gets a value indicating whether the ShapeField has the focus.

GetAccessibilityObject(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Gets the AccessibleObject assigned to the field.

GetAccessibleChild(ShapeElement, Int32)

Retrieves the accessible child subfield corresponding to the specified index.


Retrieves the number of accessible children belonging to this ShapeField.


Gets a string that describes the default action of the object. Not all objects have a default action.


Returns the accessible description.


Gets a description of what the object does or how the object is used.


Gets the path to the Help file associated with this accessible object.


Gets an identifier for a Help topic identifier associated with this accessible object.


Returns the accessible name.


Retrieves the accessible role of this ShapeField.

GetAccessibleState(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Retrieves the accessible state of this ShapeField.


Returns the accessible value.

GetActiveInPlaceEditor(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Returns the control for the active in-place editor. This method may return null, in which case no in-place editor is active for this field.

GetBackgroundBrush(DiagramClientView, ShapeElement, Color)

Gets the background brush to draw with for the specified ShapeElement instance.

GetBackgroundBrushId(DiagramClientView, ShapeElement)

Gets the id of the background brush to draw with for the specified ShapeElement instance.


Gets the bounds of this ShapeField in world units relative to the top-left of the parent shape.

GetCursor(Cursor, DiagramClientView, PointD)

Gets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the ShapeField.


Gets a value indicating whether the ShapeField can receive focus.


Returns the bounds of the in-place editor relative to its parent shape in world units.


Returns the maximum bounds allowed for the in-place editor for the given parent shape.


Returns the minimum bounds allowed for the in-place editor for the given parent shape.


Gets the minimum width and height for this ShapeField in world units

GetPen(DiagramClientView, ShapeElement, Color)

Gets the pen to draw with for the specified ShapeElement instance.


Gets the id of the pen to draw with for the specified ShapeElement instance.

GetPotentialMouseAction(MouseButtons, PointD, DiagramHitTestInfo)

Retrieves a mouse action that should be made active on the next MouseDown event if the mouse is over the specified point.

By default, this method will return the SelectAction. If the field's CanEditValue returns true and the field is already focused, then the InvokeEditorAction will be returned instead.


Gets a value indicating whether the ShapeField is selectable.


Gets the value of this ShapeField for the specified ShapeElement instance.


Gets the DomainPropertyInfo for the value of this field.


Gets a value indicating whether the ShapeField is visible

HasFocusedAppearance(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Returns a value that indicates whether this field should show the field as focused. This can be different from the Focused property when this field reflects the Focused state of its parent. (See DefaultReflectParentFocusedState property.)

HasPendingEdit(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Returns a value indicating whether in-place editing is active, with a commit pending.

HasSelectedAppearance(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Returns a value that indicates whether this field should show the field as selected. This can be different from the Selected property when this field reflects the Selected state of its parent. (See DefaultReflectParentSelectedState property.)


Returns a value indicating whether the specified character corresponds to a navigational command.


Returns a value indicating whether the specified key data corresponds to a navigational command.

NavigateAscend(ShapeElement, SelectedShapesCollection)

Called by this ShapeField to set focus to its first focusable ancestor in the navigation sequence.

NavigateDescend(ShapeElement, SelectedShapesCollection)

Called by this ShapeField to set focus to its first focusable descendant in the navigation sequence.

NavigateToFirst(ShapeElement, SelectedShapesCollection)

Called by this ShapeField to set focus to this field's first sibling (i.e., the parent's first child) in the navigation sequence.

NavigateToLast(ShapeElement, SelectedShapesCollection)

Called by this ShapeField to set focus to this field's last sibling (i.e., the parent's last child) in the navigation sequence.

NavigateToNext(ShapeElement, SelectedShapesCollection)

Called by this ShapeField to set focus to the next object in the navigation sequence.

NavigateToPrevious(ShapeElement, SelectedShapesCollection)

Called by this ShapeField to set focus to the previous object in the navigation sequence.


Called when in-place editing has begun.


Called by the control's OnClick().


Called by the control's OnDoubleClick().


Called when in-place editing has ended.


Called when a key is pressed. To be called, this ShapeField must be the focused ShapeField in the selection.


Called between a key down and key up. To be called, this ShapeField must be the focused ShapeField in the selection.


Called when a key is released. To be called, this ShapeField must be the focused ShapeField in the selection.


Called by the control's OnMouseDown().


Called by the control's OnMouseMove().


Called by the control's OnMouseUp().


Called by the control's OnMouseWheel().

Selected(ShapeElement, DiagramClientView)

Returns a value indicating whether the field is selected.

SetSelectionRange(SelectedShapesCollection, DiagramItem, DiagramItem)

Sets the selection to a range of subfields

SetValue(ShapeElement, Object)

Sets the value of this ShapeField for the specified ShapeElement instance.

SetVisible(ShapeElement, Object)

Sets the visibility of this ShapeField for the specified ShapeElement instance.

Applies to