AddAzureWebAppDiagnostics(ILoggingBuilder, Action<AzureBlobLoggerOptions>)
Adds an Azure Web Apps diagnostics logger.
Adds services required to consume ILoggerProviderConfigurationFactory or ILoggerProviderConfiguration<T>
AddConsole(ILoggingBuilder, Action<ConsoleLoggerOptions>)
Adds a console logger named 'Console' to the factory.
Adds a console logger named 'Console' to the factory.
AddConsoleFormatter<TFormatter,TOptions>(ILoggingBuilder, Action<TOptions>)
Adds a custom console logger formatter 'TFormatter' to be configured with options 'TOptions'.
Adds a custom console logger formatter 'TFormatter' to be configured with options 'TOptions'.
AddJsonConsole(ILoggingBuilder, Action<JsonConsoleFormatterOptions>)
Add and configure a console log formatter named 'json' to the factory.
Add a console log formatter named 'json' to the factory with default properties.
AddSimpleConsole(ILoggingBuilder, Action<SimpleConsoleFormatterOptions>)
Add and configure a console log formatter named 'simple' to the factory.
Add the default console log formatter named 'simple' to the factory with default properties.
AddSystemdConsole(ILoggingBuilder, Action<ConsoleFormatterOptions>)
Add and configure a console log formatter named 'systemd' to the factory.
Add a console log formatter named 'systemd' to the factory with default properties.
Adds a debug logger named 'Debug' to the factory.
AddEventLog(ILoggingBuilder, EventLogSettings)
Adds an event logger. Use settings to enable logging for specific log levels.
AddEventLog(ILoggingBuilder, Action<EventLogSettings>)
Adds an event logger. Use configure to enable logging for specific log levels.
Adds an event logger named 'EventLog' to the factory.
Adds a logger that writes messages to the LoggingEventSource instance.
AddFakeLogging(ILoggingBuilder, IConfigurationSection)
Configures fake logging.
AddFakeLogging(ILoggingBuilder, Action<FakeLogCollectorOptions>)
Configures fake logging.
Configures fake logging with default options.
AddFilter(ILoggingBuilder, Func<LogLevel,Boolean>)
Adds a log filter to the factory.
AddFilter(ILoggingBuilder, Func<String,LogLevel,Boolean>)
Adds a log filter to the factory.
AddFilter(ILoggingBuilder, Func<String,String,LogLevel,Boolean>)
Adds a log filter to the factory.
AddFilter(ILoggingBuilder, String, LogLevel)
Adds a log filter to the factory.
AddFilter(ILoggingBuilder, String, Func<LogLevel,Boolean>)
Adds a log filter to the factory.
AddFilter<T>(ILoggingBuilder, Func<LogLevel,Boolean>)
Adds a log filter for the given ILoggerProvider.
AddFilter<T>(ILoggingBuilder, Func<String,LogLevel,Boolean>)
Adds a log filter for the given ILoggerProvider.
AddFilter<T>(ILoggingBuilder, String, LogLevel)
Adds a log filter for the given ILoggerProvider.
AddFilter<T>(ILoggingBuilder, String, Func<LogLevel,Boolean>)
Adds a log filter for the given ILoggerProvider.
AddConfiguration(ILoggingBuilder, IConfiguration)
Configures LoggerFilterOptions from an instance of IConfiguration.
AddProvider(ILoggingBuilder, ILoggerProvider)
Adds the given ILoggerProvider to the ILoggingBuilder
Removes all ILoggerProviders from builder .
SetMinimumLevel(ILoggingBuilder, LogLevel)
Sets a minimum LogLevel requirement for log messages to be logged.
EnableEnrichment(ILoggingBuilder, IConfigurationSection)
Enables enrichment functionality within the logging infrastructure.
EnableEnrichment(ILoggingBuilder, Action<LoggerEnrichmentOptions>)
Enables enrichment functionality within the logging infrastructure.
Enables enrichment functionality within the logging infrastructure.
EnableRedaction(ILoggingBuilder, IConfigurationSection)
Enables redaction functionality within the logging infrastructure.
EnableRedaction(ILoggingBuilder, Action<LoggerRedactionOptions>)
Enables redaction functionality within the logging infrastructure.
Enables redaction functionality within the logging infrastructure.
AddRandomProbabilisticSampler(ILoggingBuilder, IConfiguration)
Adds Random Probabilistic logging sampler to the logging infrastructure.
AddRandomProbabilisticSampler(ILoggingBuilder, Action<RandomProbabilisticSamplerOptions>)
Adds Random Probabilistic logging sampler to the logging infrastructure.
AddRandomProbabilisticSampler(ILoggingBuilder, Double, Nullable<LogLevel>)
Adds Random Probabilistic logging sampler to the logging infrastructure.
AddSampler(ILoggingBuilder, LoggingSampler)
Adds a logging sampler instance to the logging infrastructure.
Adds a logging sampler type to the logging infrastructure.
Adds Trace-based logging sampler to the logging infrastructure.
AddFakeLogging(ILoggingBuilder, IConfigurationSection)
Configure fake logging.
AddFakeLogging(ILoggingBuilder, Action<FakeLogCollectorOptions>)
Configure fake logging.
Configure fake logging with default options.
AddTraceSource(ILoggingBuilder, SourceSwitch, TraceListener)
Adds a logger that writes to TraceSource.
AddTraceSource(ILoggingBuilder, SourceSwitch)
Adds a logger that writes to TraceSource.
AddTraceSource(ILoggingBuilder, String, TraceListener)
Adds a logger that writes to TraceSource.
AddTraceSource(ILoggingBuilder, String)
Adds a logger that writes to TraceSource.
AddConsoleExporter(ILoggingBuilder, IConfigurationSection)
Adds console exporter as a configuration to the OpenTelemetry ILoggingBuilder.
AddConsoleExporter(ILoggingBuilder, Action<LoggingConsoleOptions>)
Adds console exporter as a configuration to the OpenTelemetry ILoggingBuilder.
Adds console exporter as a configuration to the OpenTelemetry ILoggingBuilder.