SupportExtensions Class


A class to add extension methods to Azure.ResourceManager.Support.

public static class SupportExtensions
type SupportExtensions = class
Public Module SupportExtensions


CheckNameAvailabilitySupportTicketsNoSubscription(TenantResource, SupportNameAvailabilityContent, CancellationToken)

Check the availability of a resource name. This API should be used to check the uniqueness of the name for support ticket creation for the selected subscription.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/checkNameAvailability
  • Operation Id: SupportTicketsNoSubscription_CheckNameAvailability
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: TenantSupportTicketResource
CheckNameAvailabilitySupportTicketsNoSubscriptionAsync(TenantResource, SupportNameAvailabilityContent, CancellationToken)

Check the availability of a resource name. This API should be used to check the uniqueness of the name for support ticket creation for the selected subscription.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/checkNameAvailability
  • Operation Id: SupportTicketsNoSubscription_CheckNameAvailability
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: TenantSupportTicketResource
CheckSupportTicketNameAvailability(SubscriptionResource, SupportNameAvailabilityContent, CancellationToken)

Check the availability of a resource name. This API should be used to check the uniqueness of the name for support ticket creation for the selected subscription.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/checkNameAvailability
  • Operation Id: SupportTickets_CheckNameAvailability
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: SubscriptionSupportTicketResource
CheckSupportTicketNameAvailabilityAsync(SubscriptionResource, SupportNameAvailabilityContent, CancellationToken)

Check the availability of a resource name. This API should be used to check the uniqueness of the name for support ticket creation for the selected subscription.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/checkNameAvailability
  • Operation Id: SupportTickets_CheckNameAvailability
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: SubscriptionSupportTicketResource
ClassifyServiceProblem(SubscriptionResource, String, ServiceProblemClassificationContent, CancellationToken)

Classify the right problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{problemServiceName}/classifyProblems
  • Operation Id: ProblemClassifications_classifyProblems
  • Default Api Version: 2023-06-01-preview
  • Resource: ProblemClassificationResource
ClassifyServiceProblemAsync(SubscriptionResource, String, ServiceProblemClassificationContent, CancellationToken)

Classify the right problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{problemServiceName}/classifyProblems
  • Operation Id: ProblemClassifications_classifyProblems
  • Default Api Version: 2023-06-01-preview
  • Resource: ProblemClassificationResource
ClassifyServicesServiceClassification(SubscriptionResource, ServiceClassificationContent, CancellationToken)

Classify the list of right Azure services.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/classifyServices
  • Operation Id: ServiceClassifications_classifyServices
  • Default Api Version: 2023-06-01-preview
ClassifyServicesServiceClassificationAsync(SubscriptionResource, ServiceClassificationContent, CancellationToken)

Classify the list of right Azure services.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/classifyServices
  • Operation Id: ServiceClassifications_classifyServices
  • Default Api Version: 2023-06-01-preview
ClassifyServicesServiceClassificationsNoSubscription(TenantResource, ServiceClassificationContent, CancellationToken)

Classify the list of right Azure services.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/classifyServices
  • Operation Id: ServiceClassificationsNoSubscription_classifyServices
  • Default Api Version: 2023-06-01-preview
ClassifyServicesServiceClassificationsNoSubscriptionAsync(TenantResource, ServiceClassificationContent, CancellationToken)

Classify the list of right Azure services.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/classifyServices
  • Operation Id: ServiceClassificationsNoSubscription_classifyServices
  • Default Api Version: 2023-06-01-preview
GetProblemClassificationResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a ProblemClassificationResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String) to create a ProblemClassificationResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetProblemClassificationResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.

GetSubscriptionFileWorkspace(SubscriptionResource, String, CancellationToken)

Gets details for a specific file workspace in an Azure subscription.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/fileWorkspaces/{fileWorkspaceName}
  • Operation Id: FileWorkspaces_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: SubscriptionFileWorkspaceResource
GetSubscriptionFileWorkspaceAsync(SubscriptionResource, String, CancellationToken)

Gets details for a specific file workspace in an Azure subscription.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/fileWorkspaces/{fileWorkspaceName}
  • Operation Id: FileWorkspaces_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: SubscriptionFileWorkspaceResource
GetSubscriptionFileWorkspaceResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a SubscriptionFileWorkspaceResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String) to create a SubscriptionFileWorkspaceResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSubscriptionFileWorkspaceResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.


Gets a collection of SubscriptionFileWorkspaceResources in the SubscriptionResource. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSubscriptionFileWorkspaces() instead.

GetSubscriptionSupportTicket(SubscriptionResource, String, CancellationToken)

Get ticket details for an Azure subscription. Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/supportTickets/{supportTicketName}
  • Operation Id: SupportTickets_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: SubscriptionSupportTicketResource
GetSubscriptionSupportTicketAsync(SubscriptionResource, String, CancellationToken)

Get ticket details for an Azure subscription. Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Support/supportTickets/{supportTicketName}
  • Operation Id: SupportTickets_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: SubscriptionSupportTicketResource
GetSubscriptionSupportTicketResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a SubscriptionSupportTicketResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String) to create a SubscriptionSupportTicketResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSubscriptionSupportTicketResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.


Gets a collection of SubscriptionSupportTicketResources in the SubscriptionResource. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSubscriptionSupportTickets() instead.

GetSupportAzureService(TenantResource, String, CancellationToken)

Gets a specific Azure service for support ticket creation.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{serviceName}
  • Operation Id: Services_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: SupportAzureServiceResource
GetSupportAzureServiceAsync(TenantResource, String, CancellationToken)

Gets a specific Azure service for support ticket creation.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/services/{serviceName}
  • Operation Id: Services_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: SupportAzureServiceResource
GetSupportAzureServiceResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a SupportAzureServiceResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String) to create a SupportAzureServiceResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSupportAzureServiceResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.


Gets a collection of SupportAzureServiceResources in the TenantResource. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSupportAzureServices() instead.

GetSupportTicketChatTranscriptResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a SupportTicketChatTranscriptResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String) to create a SupportTicketChatTranscriptResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSupportTicketChatTranscriptResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.

GetSupportTicketCommunicationResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a SupportTicketCommunicationResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String) to create a SupportTicketCommunicationResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSupportTicketCommunicationResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.

GetSupportTicketFileResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a SupportTicketFileResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String) to create a SupportTicketFileResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSupportTicketFileResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.

GetSupportTicketNoSubChatTranscriptResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a SupportTicketNoSubChatTranscriptResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String) to create a SupportTicketNoSubChatTranscriptResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSupportTicketNoSubChatTranscriptResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.

GetSupportTicketNoSubCommunicationResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a SupportTicketNoSubCommunicationResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String) to create a SupportTicketNoSubCommunicationResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSupportTicketNoSubCommunicationResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.

GetSupportTicketNoSubFileResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a SupportTicketNoSubFileResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String) to create a SupportTicketNoSubFileResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetSupportTicketNoSubFileResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.

GetTenantFileWorkspace(TenantResource, String, CancellationToken)

Gets details for a specific file workspace.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/fileWorkspaces/{fileWorkspaceName}
  • Operation Id: FileWorkspacesNoSubscription_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: TenantFileWorkspaceResource
GetTenantFileWorkspaceAsync(TenantResource, String, CancellationToken)

Gets details for a specific file workspace.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/fileWorkspaces/{fileWorkspaceName}
  • Operation Id: FileWorkspacesNoSubscription_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: TenantFileWorkspaceResource
GetTenantFileWorkspaceResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a TenantFileWorkspaceResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String) to create a TenantFileWorkspaceResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetTenantFileWorkspaceResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.


Gets a collection of TenantFileWorkspaceResources in the TenantResource. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetTenantFileWorkspaces() instead.

GetTenantSupportTicket(TenantResource, String, CancellationToken)

Gets details for a specific support ticket. Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/supportTickets/{supportTicketName}
  • Operation Id: SupportTicketsNoSubscription_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: TenantSupportTicketResource
GetTenantSupportTicketAsync(TenantResource, String, CancellationToken)

Gets details for a specific support ticket. Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/supportTickets/{supportTicketName}
  • Operation Id: SupportTicketsNoSubscription_Get
  • Default Api Version: 2024-04-01
  • Resource: TenantSupportTicketResource
GetTenantSupportTicketResource(ArmClient, ResourceIdentifier)

Gets an object representing a TenantSupportTicketResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data. You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String) to create a TenantSupportTicketResourceResourceIdentifier from its components. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetTenantSupportTicketResource(ResourceIdentifier) instead.


Gets a collection of TenantSupportTicketResources in the TenantResource. MockingTo mock this method, please mock GetTenantSupportTickets() instead.

LookUpResourceId(TenantResource, LookUpResourceIdContent, CancellationToken)

This operation fetches ARM resource id of support resource type.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/lookUpResourceId
  • Operation Id: LookUpResourceId_Post
  • Default Api Version: 2023-06-01-preview
LookUpResourceIdAsync(TenantResource, LookUpResourceIdContent, CancellationToken)

This operation fetches ARM resource id of support resource type.

  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Support/lookUpResourceId
  • Operation Id: LookUpResourceId_Post
  • Default Api Version: 2023-06-01-preview

Applies to