Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp.Models Namespace
Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
ArmNetAppModelFactory |
Model factory for models. |
AvailabilityZoneMapping |
The AvailabilityZoneMapping. |
BackupsMigrationContent |
Migrate Backups Request. |
CapacityPoolPatch |
Capacity pool patch resource. |
ClusterPeerCommandResult |
Information about cluster peering process. |
EncryptionMigrationContent |
Encryption migration request. |
GetGroupIdListForLdapUserContent |
Get group Id list for LDAP User request. |
GetGroupIdListForLdapUserResult |
Group Id list for Ldap user. |
NetAppAccountActiveDirectory |
Active Directory. |
NetAppAccountEncryption |
Encryption settings. |
NetAppAccountPatch |
NetApp account patch resource. |
NetAppBackupPolicyPatch |
Backup policy Details for create and update. |
NetAppBackupVaultBackupPatch |
Backup patch. |
NetAppBackupVaultPatch |
Backup Vault information. |
NetAppChangeKeyVault |
Change key vault request. |
NetAppCheckAvailabilityResult |
Information regarding availability of a resource. |
NetAppEncryptionIdentity |
Identity used to authenticate with key vault. |
NetAppEncryptionTransitionContent |
Encryption transition request. |
NetAppFilePathAvailabilityContent |
File path availability request content - availability is based on the name and the subnetId. |
NetAppKeyVaultPrivateEndpoint |
Pairs of virtual network ID and private endpoint ID. Every virtual network that has volumes encrypted with customer-managed keys needs its own key vault private endpoint. |
NetAppKeyVaultProperties |
Properties of key vault. |
NetAppKeyVaultStatusResult |
Result of getKeyVaultStatus with information about how volumes under NetApp account are encrypted. |
NetAppLdapSearchScopeConfiguration |
LDAP search scope. |
NetAppNameAvailabilityContent |
Resource name availability request content. |
NetAppQuotaAvailabilityContent |
Quota availability request content. |
NetAppRegionInfo |
Provides region specific information. |
NetAppReplicationObject |
Replication properties. |
NetAppRestoreStatus |
Restore status. |
NetAppSubscriptionQuotaItem |
Information regarding Subscription Quota Item. |
NetAppSubvolumeInfoPatch |
Subvolume Patch Request properties. |
NetAppSubvolumeMetadata |
Result of the post subvolume and action is to get metadata of the subvolume. |
NetAppVolumeAuthorizeReplicationContent |
Authorize request. |
NetAppVolumeBackupConfiguration |
Volume Backup Properties. |
NetAppVolumeBackupDetail |
Volume details using the backup policy. |
NetAppVolumeBreakFileLocksContent |
Break file locks request. |
NetAppVolumeBreakReplicationContent |
Break replication request. |
NetAppVolumeDataProtection |
DataProtection type volumes include an object containing details of the replication. |
NetAppVolumeExportPolicyRule |
Volume Export Policy Rule. |
NetAppVolumeGroupMetadata |
Volume group properties. |
NetAppVolumeGroupResult |
Volume group resource. |
NetAppVolumeGroupVolume |
Volume resource. |
NetAppVolumeMountTarget |
Mount target properties. |
NetAppVolumePatch |
Volume patch resource. |
NetAppVolumePatchDataProtection |
DataProtection type volumes include an object containing details of the replication. |
NetAppVolumePlacementRule |
Application specific parameters for the placement of volumes in the volume group. |
NetAppVolumePoolChangeContent |
Pool change request. |
NetAppVolumeQuotaRulePatch |
Patchable Quota Rule of a Volume. |
NetAppVolumeReestablishReplicationContent |
Re-establish request object supplied in the body of the operation. |
NetAppVolumeRelocationProperties |
Volume relocation properties. |
NetAppVolumeReplication |
Replication properties. |
NetAppVolumeReplicationStatus |
Replication status. |
NetAppVolumeRevertContent |
revert a volume to the snapshot. |
NetAppVolumeSnapshotRestoreFilesContent |
Restore payload for Single File Snapshot Restore. |
NetworkSiblingSet |
Describes the contents of a network sibling set. |
NicInfo |
NIC information and list of volumes for which the NIC has the primary mount ip address. |
PeerClusterForVolumeMigrationContent |
Source Cluster properties for a cluster peer request. |
QueryNetworkSiblingSetContent |
Network sibling set query. |
RelocateVolumeContent |
Relocate volume request. |
RemotePath |
The full path to a volume that is to be migrated into ANF. Required for Migration volumes. |
SnapshotPolicyDailySchedule |
Daily Schedule properties. |
SnapshotPolicyHourlySchedule |
Hourly Schedule properties. |
SnapshotPolicyMonthlySchedule |
Monthly Schedule properties. |
SnapshotPolicyPatch |
Snapshot policy Details for create and update. |
SnapshotPolicyWeeklySchedule |
Weekly Schedule properties, make a snapshot every week at a specific day or days. |
SvmPeerCommandResult |
Information about svm peering process. |
UpdateNetworkSiblingSetContent |
Network sibling set update. |
CapacityPoolEncryptionType |
Encryption type of the capacity pool, set encryption type for data at rest for this pool and all volumes in it. This value can only be set when creating new pool. |
CapacityPoolQosType |
The qos type of the pool. |
CoolAccessRetrievalPolicy |
coolAccessRetrievalPolicy determines the data retrieval behavior from the cool tier to standard storage based on the read pattern for cool access enabled volumes. The possible values for this field are: Default - Data will be pulled from cool tier to standard storage on random reads. This policy is the default. OnRead - All client-driven data read is pulled from cool tier to standard storage on both sequential and random reads. Never - No client-driven data is pulled from cool tier to standard storage. |
CoolAccessTieringPolicy |
coolAccessTieringPolicy determines which cold data blocks are moved to cool tier. The possible values for this field are: Auto - Moves cold user data blocks in both the Snapshot copies and the active file system to the cool tier tier. This policy is the default. SnapshotOnly - Moves user data blocks of the Volume Snapshot copies that are not associated with the active file system to the cool tier. |
EnableNetAppSubvolume |
Flag indicating whether subvolume operations are enabled on the volume. |
NetAppAccountActiveDirectoryStatus |
Status of the Active Directory. |
NetAppApplicationType |
Application Type. |
NetAppAvsDataStore |
Specifies whether the volume is enabled for Azure VMware Solution (AVS) datastore purpose. |
NetAppChownMode |
This parameter specifies who is authorized to change the ownership of a file. restricted - Only root user can change the ownership of the file. unrestricted - Non-root users can change ownership of files that they own. |
NetAppEncryptionKeySource |
Source of key used to encrypt data in volume. Applicable if NetApp account has encryption.keySource = 'Microsoft.KeyVault'. Possible values (case-insensitive) are: 'Microsoft.NetApp, Microsoft.KeyVault'. |
NetAppEndpointType |
Indicates whether the local volume is the source or destination for the Volume Replication. |
NetAppFileAccessLog |
Flag indicating whether file access logs are enabled for the volume, based on active diagnostic settings present on the volume. |
NetAppFileServiceLevel |
The service level of the file system. |
NetAppKeySource |
The encryption keySource (provider). Possible values (case-insensitive): Microsoft.NetApp, Microsoft.KeyVault. |
NetAppKeyVaultStatus |
Status of the KeyVault connection. |
NetAppMirrorState |
The status of the replication. |
NetAppNameAvailabilityResourceType |
Resource type used for verification. |
NetAppNameUnavailableReason |
<code>Invalid</code> indicates the name provided does not match Azure App Service naming requirements. <code>AlreadyExists</code> indicates that the name is already in use and is therefore unavailable. |
NetAppNetworkFeature |
Network features available to the volume, or current state of update. |
NetAppQuotaAvailabilityResourceType |
Resource type used for verification. |
NetAppRelationshipStatus |
Status of the mirror relationship. |
NetAppReplicationSchedule |
Schedule. |
NetAppVolumeQuotaType |
Type of quota. |
NetAppVolumeSecurityStyle |
The security style of volume, default unix, defaults to ntfs for dual protocol or CIFS protocol. |
NetAppVolumeStorageToNetworkProximity |
Provides storage to network proximity information for the volume. |
NetworkSiblingSetProvisioningState |
Gets the status of the NetworkSiblingSet at the time the operation was called. |
RegionStorageToNetworkProximity |
Provides storage to network proximity information in the region. |
SmbAccessBasedEnumeration |
Enables access-based enumeration share property for SMB Shares. Only applicable for SMB/DualProtocol volume. |
SmbNonBrowsable |
Enables non-browsable property for SMB Shares. Only applicable for SMB/DualProtocol volume. |
NetAppProvisioningState |
Gets the status of the VolumeQuotaRule at the time the operation was called. |
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