SavingsPlanUtilizationSummary.AvgUtilizationPercentage Property


This is the average hourly utilization for each date range that corresponds to given grain (Daily, Monthly). Suppose the API call is for usageDate > 2023-03-01 and usageDate < 2022-10-31 at a daily granularity. There will be one record per benefit id for each day. For a single day, the avgUtilizationPercentage value will be equal to the average of the set of values where the set contains 24 utilization percentage entries one for each hour in a specific day.

public decimal? AvgUtilizationPercentage { get; }
member this.AvgUtilizationPercentage : Nullable<decimal>
Public ReadOnly Property AvgUtilizationPercentage As Nullable(Of Decimal)

Property Value

Applies to