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Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Primitives Namespace



Allows interaction with checkpoint and ownership data needed for event processor operation, using Azure Storage blobs for persistence.


Allows interaction with checkpoint and ownership data needed for event processor operation.


Provides a base for creating a custom processor which consumes events across all partitions of a given Event Hub for a specific consumer group. The processor is capable of collaborating with other instances for the same Event Hub and consumer group pairing to share work by using a common storage platform to communicate. Fault tolerance is also built-in, allowing the processor to be resilient in the face of errors.


Contains the information to reflect the state of event processing for a given Event Hub partition.


The set of options that can be specified when creating an EventProcessor<TPartition> to configure its behavior.


A set of contextual information about an Event Hub partition for which an EventProcessor<TPartition> operation is being performed.


The set of information for describing the status of the partition ownership between EventProcessor<TPartition> instances cooperating for distribution of processing for a given Event Hub.


Allows reading events from a specific partition of an Event Hub, and in the context of a specific consumer group, to be read with a greater level of control over communication with the Event Hubs service than is offered by other event consumers.


The set of options that can be specified when creating a PartitionReceiver to configure its behavior.


Provides a base for creating an event processor with custom processing logic which consumes events across all partitions of a given Event Hub for a specific consumer group. The processor is capable of collaborating with other instances for the same Event Hub and consumer group pairing to share work by using a common storage platform to communicate. Fault tolerance is also built-in, allowing the processor to be resilient in the face of errors.