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COSMO Bot (Preview)

COSMO Bot increases your business success through more efficiency in everyday life. If you answer a standard question today, you are wasting time. In contact with your customers, this is often a good opportunity to get to know each other and establish a relationship. But internally, from employee to employee, or when there is simply too much to do, it is a luxury that not everyone can allow themselves. This connector allows you to extend the bot's functionality and integrate other systems.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
URL https://de.cosmoconsult.com/service/support/
Email support.west@cosmoconsult.com
Connector Metadata
Website https://cosma.link/cc-bot
Privacy policy https://www.cosmoconsult.com/data-protection/
Categories AI;Communication


To use this connector you need to have administrative access to a COSMO Bot Instance. What is COSMO Bot? How do i get a COSMO Bot instance?

How to get credentials?

Once you have administrative access to a COSMO Bot Instance, go to the chat interface (i.e. https://cosma.cosmoconsult.com/) and switch to the "Administration" tab by clicking "Administration" in the top right corner. Navigate to "API Keys" and create a new one or copy an existing one.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Bot Instance URL string The URL where your bot instance can be reached True
API Key securestring The API key for accessing this bot instance True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Add a new question-answer set

Adds a new question-answer set to the connected instance.

Add a new topic

Adds a new topic to the connected instance.

Add an expert to a topic

The bot will add the expert to the provided topic.

Ask COSMO Bot a question

The bot will search through the knowledgebase and return the answer with the best match. Also returns the score.

Close a ticket

Closes an open ticket on the connected instance.

Convert COSMO Bot Script

Run the given text through the COSMO Bot Script parser.

Create a shadow copy of a question-answer set

Adds a new shadow copy for the question-answer set specified by the short description. Careful! These shadow copies are deleted when the answer is updated. It is therefore recommended to automatically call this action using the "when a question-answer set is updated" trigger.

Delete a question-answer set

Delete an existing question-answer set from the connected instance.

Edit an existing question-answer set

Edit an existing question-answer set from the connected instance.

Get all question-answer sets

Gets all answers from the connected instance.

Get all topics

Gets all topics from the connected bot instance.

Get experts for a topic

Gets all expoerts from the connected instance.

Get global settings

Gets the global settings from the connected instance.

Get open tickets

Gets all open tickets from the connected instance.

Get topic

Gets a specific topic from the connected instance.

Open a ticket (feedback)

Open a new ticket of type feedback on the connected instance.

Open a ticket (question)

Open a new ticket on the connected instance.

Remove an expert from a topic

The bot will remove an expert from the provided topic. If no topic is given, the expert will be removed from all topics.

Rename an existing topic

Rename a existing topic from the connected instance.

Translate (markdown friendly)

Translate the given text while respecting the COSMO Bot dialect Markdown syntax.

Add a new question-answer set

Adds a new question-answer set to the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
topic True string
Short Description
shortDescription True string
questions True array of string
Answer Text
answerText True string
User Email
userEmail string

Add a new topic

Adds a new topic to the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Topic Name
name True string
description True string
Expert Emails
expertEmails True array of string

Add an expert to a topic

The bot will add the expert to the provided topic.


Name Key Required Type Description
topic True string
Expert Email
expertEmail True string

Ask COSMO Bot a question

The bot will search through the knowledgebase and return the answer with the best match. Also returns the score.


Name Key Required Type Description
question True string
Score Threshold
scoreThreshold integer

Minimum score of an answer for it to be returned.

User Email
userEmail string


Name Path Type Description
Found Answer
foundAnswer boolean

Whether COSMO Bot found an answer that matched the question.

Is Shadow-Answer
isSubAnswer boolean

Whether the returned answer is a sub answer.

Was Question Translated
isTranslated boolean

Whether the question and returned answer was translated.

answer Answer
score integer

How confident the bot is that the returned answer is correct.

Close a ticket

Closes an open ticket on the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Unique Ticket ID
ticketId True string
Email of the user that processed the ticket
editorEmail True string
Comment that will be sent to the user
editorComment True string

Convert COSMO Bot Script

Run the given text through the COSMO Bot Script parser.


Name Key Required Type Description
Input Text
inputText True string
Output Format
outputFormat True string


Name Path Type Description
Output Text
outputText string

The parsed text returned by the COSMO Bot Script Parser.

Create a shadow copy of a question-answer set

Adds a new shadow copy for the question-answer set specified by the short description. Careful! These shadow copies are deleted when the answer is updated. It is therefore recommended to automatically call this action using the "when a question-answer set is updated" trigger.


Name Key Required Type Description
Original Answer's Short Description
shortDescription True string
Shadow Copy's Short Description
subShortDescription True string
subQuestions True array of string
Answer Text
subAnswerText True string

Delete a question-answer set

Delete an existing question-answer set from the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Short Description
shortDescription True string

Edit an existing question-answer set

Edit an existing question-answer set from the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Short Description of the Existing Set
shortDescription True string
Updated Topic
newTopic string
Updated Short Description
newShortDescription string
Updated Questions
newQuestions array of string
Updated Answer Text
newAnswerText string
User Email
userEmail string

Get all question-answer sets

Gets all answers from the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Filter by Topic (contains)
filterByTopic string

Filter by Topic (contains)

Filter by Short Description (contains)
filterByShortDescription string

Filter by Short Description (contains)

Filter by Question Text (contains)
filterByQuestionText string

Filter by Question Text (contains)

Filter by Answer Text (contains)
filterByAnswerText string

Filter by Answer Text (contains)


Name Path Type Description
answers array of Answer

Get all topics

Gets all topics from the connected bot instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Filter by Expert
filterByExpert string

Filter by Expert


Name Path Type Description
topics array of string

Get experts for a topic

Gets all expoerts from the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
topic True string



Name Path Type Description
expertEmails array of string

Get global settings

Gets the global settings from the connected instance.


The outputs of this operation are dynamic.

Get open tickets

Gets all open tickets from the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Filter by Open Duration (minimum)
filterByHoursSinceOpened integer

Only get tickets that have been open for longer than x hours.

Filter by Open Duration (maximum)
filterByHoursSinceOpenedMax integer

Only get tickets that have been open for less than x hours.

Filter by Topic
filterByTopic string

Filter by Topic

Filter by Expert
filterByExpertEmail string

Filter by Expert


Name Path Type Description
tickets array of Ticket

Get topic

Gets a specific topic from the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Topic Name
topicName True string

Topic Name


Name Path Type Description
topic.name string
topic.description string

Open a ticket (feedback)

Open a new ticket of type feedback on the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
User Email
userEmail True string
Question that was asked by the user
queryText True string
Short description of the answer
answerShortDescription True string
Feedback regarding the answer
feedbackText True string


Name Path Type Description
ticket Ticket

Open a ticket (question)

Open a new ticket on the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
User Email
userEmail True string
Question that was asked by the user
queryText True string
Topic that this question likely belongs to
topic string


Name Path Type Description
ticket Ticket

Remove an expert from a topic

The bot will remove an expert from the provided topic. If no topic is given, the expert will be removed from all topics.


Name Key Required Type Description
Expert Email
expertEmail True string
topic string

Rename an existing topic

Rename a existing topic from the connected instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Topic Name
name True string

The name of the existing topic to be renamed.

New Topic Name
newName True string

The name that the topic will be renamed to.

Translate (markdown friendly)

Translate the given text while respecting the COSMO Bot dialect Markdown syntax.


Name Key Required Type Description
Target Language
targetLanguageCode True string

The target language code (example: fr).

inputText True string

The text to translate.


Name Path Type Description
Translated Text
outputText string


When a new question-answer set is created

When a new question-answer set is created.

When a new ticket is created

When a new Ticket is created.

When a question-answer set is created or modified

When a question-answer set is created or modified.

When a ticket's topic is updated

When a topic of an existing Ticket is updated.

When a ticket is resolved

When a existing Ticket is resolved.

When a user asks a question

When a user asks a question.

When a new question-answer set is created

When a new question-answer set is created.


Name Path Type Description
answer Answer

When a new ticket is created

When a new Ticket is created.


Name Path Type Description
ticket Ticket

When a question-answer set is created or modified

When a question-answer set is created or modified.


Name Path Type Description
answer Answer

When a ticket's topic is updated

When a topic of an existing Ticket is updated.


Name Path Type Description
ticket Ticket

When a ticket is resolved

When a existing Ticket is resolved.


Name Path Type Description
ticket Ticket
Editor Email
editorEmail string
Editor Comment
editorComment string
Deep link to original query
queryUrl string

When a user asks a question

When a user asks a question.


Name Path Type Description
User Email
userEmail string
Question that was asked by the user
queryText string
Found Answer
foundAnswer boolean

Whether COSMO Bot found an answer that matched the user's question.

answer Answer



Name Path Type Description
topic string
Short Description
shortDescription string
questions array of string
Answer Text
answerText string
Date and time that this answer was last modified at
modifiedAt date-time
Modified by
modifiedBy string


Name Path Type Description
Unique Ticket ID
ticketId string
topic string
Deep link to process the ticket
ticketUrl string
Requester Email
requesterEmail string
Expert Emails
expertEmails array of string
Question that was asked by the user
queryText string
Feedback that was submitted by the user
feedbackText string

This is empty if this ticket is not feedback.

Short description of the answer that the user received after asking their question
answerShortDescription string

This is empty if this ticket is not feedback.

Answer that the user received after asking their question
answerText string

This is empty if this ticket is not feedback.

Date and time that the ticket was created at
createdAt date-time