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Keyboard Shortcuts General to the Design Surface

The following table describes the keyboard navigation that is general to both the Process Area and Port Surfaces areas of the design surface.

Key Effect
TAB Selection and focus moves to the shape with inactive selection in the next design surface area on the right (that is, the Process Area or Port Surface).

Example: Selection and focus is currently on a port in the left Port Surface. When the TAB key is pressed, selection and focus move to the shape that had inactive focus in the Process Area.
SHIFT + TAB Same as TAB, but in the opposite direction.
PAGE DOWN Scrolls the page down so that later parts of the orchestration are shown. Selection and focus do not change.
PAGE UP Same as the PAGE DOWN key, but in the opposite direction. Selection and focus do not change.
SHIFT + PAGE DOWN Horizontally scrolls the entire design surface to the left by set increments. Selection and focus do not change.
SHIFT + PAGE UP Same as SHIFT + PAGE DOWN except that the design surface scrolls to the right. Selection and focus do not change.
ENTER Performs the default action for the selection, which usually means shifting focus to the Properties grid.
SPACE Selects the shape that currently has the focus. There is no effect if the focus is on a shape connector.
CTRL + SHIFT + F1 Toggles between expansion and collapse of the Smart Tag of a selected shape. UP and DOWN ARROW can then be used to move through the items of a Smart Tag. When expanded, the Enter or Space keys execute the related action of a Smart Tag item (as well as collapsing the Smart Tag).
DELETE Deletes the current selection.
CTRL + MWHEEL UP Displays a zoomed out view of the design surface.
CTRL + MWHEEL DOWN Displays a zoomed in view of the design surface.

See Also

Orchestration Designer Keyboard Shortcuts