Syntax for an EXEC Statement in Siebel

Using the Data Provider for Siebel, ADO.NET clients can also perform an EXEC operation on the Siebel adapter. The syntax for the EXEC statement is:

<Business Service name>.<Business Service method>  
<value 1..n>,  
@parameter 1..n [OUTPUT],  
@parameter 1..n = <value>  

In the preceding syntax, \<value 1..n\> represents a set of unnamed parameters. These are hard-coded values. They usually represent IN parameters. They can also represent INOUT parameters. However, if a hard-coded value is used for an INOUT parameter, the output value associated with that parameter cannot be retrieved after the EXEC statement is executed.

The @parameter 1..n syntax represents a set of named parameters, which can be IN, INOUT, or OUT parameters. The output parameters must be followed by the OUTPUT keyword.


The OUTPUT keyword must only be used with OUT parameters and not with INOUT parameters.

To specify parameter values inline, use the @parameter 1..n = <value> syntax.

All parameters must be comma-separated.

The following are examples of EXEC statements:

EXEC ExtractDataService.Echo @In, @InOut, @Out OUTPUT  
EXEC ExtractDataService.Echo 'InputValue', @InOut, @Out OUTPUT  
EXEC ExtractDataService.Echo @InOut, @Out OUTPUT, @In='InputValue'  
EXEC ExtractDataService.Echo 'InputValue', @Out OUTPUT, @InOut='InputValue'  


Every parameter name (like @In in the preceding example) must match the corresponding argument name in the Siebel Business Service method.

See Also

Use the .NET Framework Data Provider for Siebel eBusiness Applications