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Send IDOCs to SAP using the WCF Service Model

Internally, the Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite sends IDOCs to the SAP system by invoking one of the two following RFCs:


  • INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS for version 2 IDOCs.

    You can send an IDOC to the adapter by invoking the appropriate RFC (or tRFC); however, you can also use the two following operations to send IDOCs to the adapter:

  • SendIdoc is surfaced directly under the IDOC root node. The SendIdoc operation sends the IDOC as string (weakly-typed) data to the SAP adapter.

  • Send is surfaced individually for each IDOC. The Send operation sends the IDOC as strongly-typed data to the SAP adapter.

    These operations determine how the IDOC data is sent to the adapter, not how it is sent to the SAP system. The adapter always sends the IDOC to the SAP system by using the appropriate tRFC.

    Because the SAP adapter sends the IDOC as a tRFC, both the Send and SendIdoc operations expose a GUID parameter that you use to confirm (commit) the IDOC. The SAP adapter internally maps this GUID with the SAP transaction ID (TID) that is associated with the tRFC. You can confirm the IDOC in one of two ways:

  • By using the AutoConfirmSentIdocs binding property. If this binding property is set to true, the adapter automatically confirms the tRFC used to send the IDOC.

  • By invoking RfcConfirmTransID. You invoke this operation with the GUID associated with the IDOC.

    The following sections show you how to send IDOCs to an SAP system by using the SendIdoc and Send operations. For more information to help you send an IDOC as a tRFC, see Invoke tRFCs in SAP by using the WCF Service Model.

The WCF Client Class

The SendIdoc Operation

The SAP adapter surfaces a single operation (and service contract) to send an IDOC in string format. The name of the service contract is "Idoc" and the WCF client class is IdocClient.

You can send any IDOC to SAP by using this client. It contains a single method, SendIdoc, that takes two parameters:

  • idocData is a string that contains the IDOC data

  • guid is the GUID that is mapped to the SAP TID.

    The following code shows the WCF client that is generated for the SendIdoc operation.

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]  
public partial class IdocClient : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<Idoc>, Idoc {  
    public void SendIdoc(string idocData, ref System.Nullable\<System.Guid\> guid) {…}  

The Send Operation

Because the Send operation uses strongly-typed data, the SAP adapter surfaces a unique service contract for each IDOC. The name of the interface (and the WCF client class) generated for this contract is based on the IDOC type, version, release number, and CIM type (if relevant). For example for the ORDERS03.v3.620 IDOC, the interface is named "IdocORDERS03V3R620" and the WCF client class is IdocORDERS03V3R620Client.

You must generate a unique client for each different type of IDOC. This client contains a single method, Send, that takes two parameters:

  • idocData is a class that represents the strongly-typed IDOC data.

  • guid is a string representation of the GUID that is mapped to the SAP TID.

    The following code shows the WCF client that is generated for the Send operation surfaced for the ORDERS03.v3.620 IDOC.

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]  
public partial class IdocORDERS03V3R620Client : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<IdocORDERS03V3R620>, IdocORDERS03V3R620 {  
    public void Send(ORDERS03 idocData, ref string guid) { ... }  

How to Create an Application to Send IDOCs

To send an IDOC to an SAP system, perform the following steps.

To send an IDOC to an SAP system

  1. Generate a WCF client class. Use the Add Adapter Service Reference Visual Studio Plug-in or the ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool (svcutil.exe) to generate the WCF client class that targets the IDOCs with which you want to work. For more information about how to generate a WCF client, see Generating a WCF Client or a WCF Service Contract for SAP Solution Artifacts. If you want to explicitly confirm IDOCs, make sure that you generate the WCF client for the RfcConfirmTransID operation. Operations can be found under the following nodes:

    • SendIdoc operation. Directly under the IDOC node.

    • Send operation. Under the node corresponding to the type, version and release number of the target IDOC.

    • RfcConfirmTransID operation. Directly under the TRFC node.

  2. Create an instance of the WCF client class generated in step 1, and specify a client binding. Specifying a client binding involves specifying the binding and endpoint address that the WCF client will use. You can do this either imperatively in code or declaratively in configuration. For more information about how to specify a client binding, see Configure a Client Binding for the SAP System. The following code initializes an IdocClient (for the Send operation) from configuration and sets the credentials for the SAP system.

    SAPBinding binding = new SAPBinding();  
    // Set endpoint address  
    EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("sap://CLIENT=800;LANG=EN;@a/YourSAPHost/00?RfcSdkTrace=False&AbapDebug=False&UseSapGui=Without");  
    // Create client and set credentials  
    idocClient = new IdocClient(binding, endpointAddress);  
    idocClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "YourUserName";  
    idocClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "YourPassword";;  
  3. If you want the adapter to confirm the tRFC on the SAP system after it sends the IDOC, set the AutoConfirmSentIdocs binding property to true. You must do this before you open the WCF client.

    // Set AutoConfirmSentIdocs property to true  
    binding.AutoConfirmSentIdocs = true;  
  4. Open the WCF client.

  5. Invoke the appropriate method on the WCF client created in step 2 to send the IDOC to the SAP system. You can pass a variable that contains a GUID or that is set to null for the guid parameter. If you do not specify a GUID, the SAP adapter generates one for the operation (guid is a ref parameter). The following code reads an IDOC (in string format) from a file and sends it to the SAP system by using the SendIdoc operation.

    // Read IDOC into string variable  
    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("ORDERS03.txt"))  
    idocData = reader.ReadToEnd();  
    //Get a new GUID to pass to SendIdoc. You can also assign a null  
    //value to have the adapter generate a GUID.  
    adapterTxGuid = Guid.NewGuid();  
    //Invoke SendIdoc on the client to send the IDOC to the SAP system  
    idocClient.SendIdoc(idocData, ref adapterTxGuid);  
  6. If you did not set the AutoConfirmSentIdocs binding property to true (in step 3), then you must confirm the tRFC on the SAP system. To do this you must invoke the RfcConfirmTransID method on a TrfcClient (creation not shown). Specify the GUID returned in step 4 for the parameter.

  7. Close the WCF client (and TrfcClient, if used) when you are done using it (after you have finished sending IDOCs).



The following example sends an IDOC to an SAP system by using the SendIdoc method. The IDOC is read from a file, ORDERS03.txt. This file contains an ORDERS03.V3.620 IDOC and is included with the samples; however, the SendIdoc operation can be used to send any IDOC.

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Text;  
using System.IO;  
// Add WCF, WCF LOB Adapter SDK, and SAP adapter namepaces  
using System.ServiceModel;  
using Microsoft.Adapters.SAP;  
using Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels;  
// Include this namespace for WCF LOB Adapter SDK and SAP exceptions  
using Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Common;  
// This example sends a flat IDOC to the SAP system by using the SendIdoc operation.  
namespace SapIdocStringClientSM  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            // variable for the IDOC client  
            IdocClient idocClient = null;  
            Console.WriteLine("IDOC string client sample started");  
                // Variable for the GUID  
                System.Nullable<System.Guid> adapterTxGuid;  
                // string to hold the Idoc data  
                string idocData;  
                // string to hold the SAP transaction ID (TID)  
                string sapTxId;  
                // The client can be configured from app.config, but it is   
                // explicitly configured here for demonstration.  
                // set AutoConfirmSentIdocs property to true  
                SAPBinding binding = new SAPBinding();  
                binding.AutoConfirmSentIdocs = true;  
                // Set endpoint address  
                EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("sap://CLIENT=800;LANG=EN;@a/YourSAPServer/00?RfcSdkTrace=False&AbapDebug=False&UseSapGui=Without");  
                // Create client and set credentials  
                idocClient = new IdocClient(binding, endpointAddress);  
                idocClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "YourUserName";  
                idocClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "YourPassword";  
                // Open the client and send the Idoc  
                // Read IDOC into string variable  
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("ORDERS03.txt"))  
                    idocData = reader.ReadToEnd();  
                //Get a new GUID to pass to SendIdoc. You can also assign a null.  
                //value to have the adapter generate a GUID.  
                adapterTxGuid = Guid.NewGuid();  
                //Invoke SendIdoc on the client to send the IDOC to the SAP system.  
                idocClient.SendIdoc(idocData, ref adapterTxGuid);  
                // The AutoConfirmSentIdocs binding property is set to true, so there is no need to  
                // confirm the IDOC. If this property is not set to true, you must call the   
                // RfcConfirmTransID method of a TrfcClient with adapterTxGuid to   
                // confirm the transaction on the SAP system.   
                // Get SAP tx id from GUID  
                sapTxId = SAPAdapterUtilities.ConvertGuidToTid((Guid) adapterTxGuid);  
                Console.WriteLine("IDOC sent");  
                Console.WriteLine("The SAP Transaction Id is : " + sapTxId);  
            catch (Exception ex)  
                Console.WriteLine("Exception is: " + ex.Message);  
                if (ex.InnerException != null)  
                    Console.WriteLine("Inner Exception is: " + ex.InnerException.Message);  
                // Close the IDOC client  
                if (idocClient != null)  
                    if (idocClient.State == CommunicationState.Opened)  

See Also

Develop applications using the WCF Service Model