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Security Summary


Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT (A4SWIFT) provides development and runtime components to facilitate BizTalk applications that provide SWIFT messaging and automation functionality. Applications developed by using A4SWIFT are BizTalk applications and are secured by native BizTalk Server, InfoPath, Windows SharePoint Services, and IIS/ASP.NET security features.

BizTalk Server protects privacy of system elements by using de facto Internet encrypted communications standards and protocols. Communication participants, processes, and information are secured by using signing certificates, Windows Authentication, and Enterprise Single Sign-On. BizTalk Server also enforces authorization of resource usage with mechanisms such as SQL Server Roles and Windows Authentication, and the MessageBox database.

In addition to native BizTalk Server security features, A4SWIFT defines and enforces security semantics for the creation, repair, approval, and submission of SWIFT messages by business users. This user-level security is enforced by using InfoPath digital signing technologies on the user workstation, and certificate and data integrity verification by A4SWIFT runtime services on the server.

Together, BizTalk Server and BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT (A4SWIFT) provide the platform, infrastructure, and tools for designing, developing, and executing secure SWIFT messaging and workflow automation systems.

More information

For information about security best practices, see the following resources:

See Also

Runtime, message repair, FIN response, and messaging