Installing Certificates
To send, repair, or submit messages, you must have the proper certificates installed. This topic describes how to add certificates. In a production environment, see your IT department for certificates.
This section provides instructions on how to create and store the following certificates:
Certificates for each of the Message Repair and New Submission roles in the Personal folder of the Certificates - Current User store on each client computer
Certificates for each of the Message Repair and New Submission roles in the Other People folder of the Certificates (Local Computer) store on each BizTalk orchestration server computer
Certification Authority's certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder in the Certificates (Local Computer) store on each client computer
If you have deployed A4SWIFT on a single computer, and also have a certificate server installed on the same computer, you need to exclude the certificate server from the managed paths for Microsoft SharePoint Server.
This section contains:
Excluding CertSrv from Managed Paths on a Single-Computer Deployment