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Step 5: Create a Send Port to Deliver Messages

In this step, you create and configure a port for sending the individual messages contained in the received batch. Later in the tutorial, you will enable fragmentation for the originating party (Tutorial_BatchSource) in BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer. As a result, the BizTalk integration engine will fragment the batch into individual messages, and BTAHL7 will send those messages over the send port that you create in this step.

You create this port to be static, so that it will only be associated with an MLLP adapter, and it will only send to a specific destination (the destination line-of-business application). In this tutorial, that destination is MESA_IS, as contained in MSH5 of the individual messages. You create the port with filters that restrict the port to sending messages, not acknowledgments, by filtering out messages conforming to the ACK_024_GLO_DEF schema or any static acknowledgment (ACK).

You configure this send port to receive ACKs from the destination, by associating the send port with a receive port named TwoWayAckReceivePort. BTAHL7 setup creates this port, and the accompanying receive location of TwoWayAckReceiveLocation. You set the send port up to work with this port by setting Solicit Response Enable to Yes and setting the Submit Receive Location URI to (the settings required to accept ACKs). For more information, see Setting Up a Send Port for Receiving ACKs.

To create a send port to deliver messages

  1. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, right-click Send Ports, point to New, and then click Static One-way Send Port.

  2. In the Send Port Properties dialog box, do the following:

    Use this To do this
    Name Type Tutorial_2wayMsg.
    Transport type Select MLLP from the drop-down list.
    Configure Click Configure to open the MLLP Transport Properties dialog box.
  3. In the MLLP Transport Properties dialog box, do the following:

    Use this To do this
    Connection Name Type 2wayMsg.
    Host Type localhost.
    Port Type 41000.
    Solicit Response Enabled Click the field to the right of Solicit Response Enabled, and then select Yes from the drop-down list.
    Submit Receive Location (URI) for ACK Type127.0.0.1:65535
  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Send Port Properties dialog box, for Send pipeline, select BTAHL72XPipelines.BTAHL72XSendPipeline.

  6. In the console tree, click Filters, and then do the following:

    Use this To do this
    Property (first line) Click the field under Property, and then select BTS.MessageType from the drop-down list.
    Operator Select != from the drop-down list.
    Value Type http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X#ACK_24_GLO_DEF.
    Group By Select AND from the drop-down list.
    Property (second line) Click the field under Property, and then select BTS.MessageType from the drop-down list.
    Operator Select != from the drop-down list.
    Value Type http://microsoft.com/HealthCare/HL7/2X#ACK_25_GLO_DEF.
    Group By Select And from the drop-down list.
    Property (third line) Click the field on the second line under Property, and then select BTS.MessageType from the drop-down list.
    Operator Select != from the drop-down list.
    Value Type StaticAck.
  7. Click Enter. In the pane at the bottom of the dialog box, verify that you entered the filter expression correctly, and then click OK.

  8. In the Administration Console, click Send Ports, right-click Tutorial_2wayMsg, and then click Start.

    Proceed to Step 6: Create a Send Port to Deliver Acknowledgments.