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Gamer Spotlight: trixie360 interviews Y T 1775

A note from Trixie:

 https://www.istockphoto.com/dizzoThis month I’ll be featuring gamers who are serving or are veterans of the U.S. military. Memorial Day isn’t just a day to fire up the grill and bust out your white shoes. Take a moment to remember those who gave their lives so you could enjoy that burger in freedom. Do it NOW!

He’s a gamer and Marine Weather Forecaster Stationed in Camp Pendleton, California. Let’s go to the Doppler with Y T 1775 !

trixie360: What's the story behind your gamertag?

Y T 1775: Well I am known as Whitey mainly for my last name and I am really pale. I was born in Elmendorf AFB, Alaska after all. Well I wanted Whitey but I couldn't so I went with (Y T) and 1775 is the year the Marine Corps was "Born".


trixie360: Where do you live?

Y T 1775: Currently I live in Camp Pendleton in the barracks. My home town is Du Quoin, IL.

trixie360: What do you do when you're not playing games?

Y T 1775: Either I am at work forecasting the weather, or I am working on my business with Amway Global.

trixie360: What's the worst or weirdest job you've ever had?

Y T 1775: I have only had two jobs in my life; Wal-mart and the Marine Corps. The worst would be working in the back of an eighteen wheeler unloading freight and zoning (making all the products look pretty for the customers).

trixie360: How long have you been on Xbox LIVE?

Y T 1775: I was on live on the original Xbox as GiganticSnake, but I lost that account. As of recently I have been on live for one year and seven months, give or take a month.

trixie360: Do you have an arch enemy on Xbox LIVE?

Y T 1775: I do not have an arch enemy per se, but I do despise players who cheat or find loop holes (glitches) to gain an advantage.

trixie360: Yeah, those people suck! What's your Xbox set-up like? Big-screen TV? Dolby sound?

Y T 1775: My set up is no set up. I have a 20" flat screen TV, not plasma, and that's it. No surround sound, no big screen, just my system and a TV to do my PWNAGE.  Lol

trixie360: Yeah the barracks aren’t exactly palatial. What's the best feature of Xbox LIVE?

Y T 1775: I like that I can go on Facebook through my Xbox since I do not have a computer at the moment.

trixie360: What is your favorite multiplayer Xbox game?

Y T 1775: CoD:MW2

trixie360: What is your favorite single player Xbox game?

Y T 1775: Dragon Age Origins

trixie360: What is your favorite Xbox LIVE Arcade game?

Y T 1775: Toy Soldiers

trixie360: What do you think is the best game of all time?

Y T 1775: I would have to say Final Fantasy VII.

trixie360: What do you think is the best film of all time?

Y T 1775: Star Wars the original. Largest fan-base in the world.

trixie360: What do you think is the best comic book of all time?

Y T 1775: I do not read comics but if I had to choose, Dark Horse comics. Only because I am a Star Wars fanatic.

trixie360: What do you think is the best album of all time?

Y T 1775: Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory

trixie360: Rock Band or Guitar Hero?

Y T 1775: Guitar Hero, it all started with them.

trixie360: What is your greatest Xbox LIVE moment?

Y T 1775: The very first time playing online. I didn't know what to expect.

trixie360: What's your favorite TV show?

Y T 1775: Family Guy

trixie360: Who is your inner rock star?

Y T 1775: Probably James Hetfield of Metallica

trixie360: If they made a movie about your life, who should play you?

Y T 1775: Myself.  Lol. No one can be me as I can, but I would have to say

trixie360: What's your karaoke song?

Y T 1775: “Crawling” by Linkin Park.

trixie360: Favorite cartoon character?

Y T 1775: Stewie from Family Guy.

trixie360: Favorite movie quote?

Y T 1775: "Destroy all that which is evil, So that which is good may flourish."  from Boondock Saints.

trixie360: If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be?

Y T 1775: GOD. Who is more powerful, respectful, and merciful than the big man upstairs.

trixie360: What celebrity would be the worst roommate?

Y T 1775: Flava Flav, enough said.

trixie360: How many people are on your Friends List?

Y T 1775: Not a whole lot just about 20 friends.

trixie360: Who's your favorite Superhero?

Y T 1775: It is debatable but Gambit.

trixie360: Hot celeb you'd like to be stranded on a desert island with?

Y T 1775: Olivia Munn, why else does anyone watch G4. lol

trixie360: That hawt piece Adam Sessler? If you could be any video game character, who would it be?

Y T 1775: Darth Revan

trixie360: What's the worst food you've ever eaten?

Y T 1775: MRE. Meal-Ready to-Eat.

trixie360: What's the first video game you ever played?

Y T 1775: Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo.

trixie360: What's the last book you read?

Y T 1775: John C. Maxwell’s Today Matters

trixie360: Complete this sentence: "People of Earth, ...."

Y T 1775: Stop worrying about what other people think. Just live you life the way you want and how you want.

trixie360: If you could go on tour with any band --past or present-- which would it be?

Y T 1775: Linkin Park

trixie360: What do you predict will be the 'next big thing' in gaming?

Y T 1775: Natal, no controller needed just yourself and the imagination to play.

trixie360: What do you think is the best thing about the Xbox 360?

Y T 1775: The ability to have fun and keep in touch with friends at the same time.

trixie360: What is the Xbox 360 Achievement that was hardest to get?

Y T 1775: I can't remember what it is called, but finding all of the Halo 3 skulls were pretty difficult for me.

trixie360: Ah the diabolical Vidmaster achievement! What would you like to be doing in ten years?

Y T 1775: Being back home with my girl and taking care of my family. That is all that I would like.


  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2010
    Ooh-Rah. Nice to see the Marines start off the Memorial Day madness.

  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2010
    Great read buddy, thank you for all that you and your fellow soldiers do for us so that we can play these great games on Xbox.

  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2010
    Whoa...I always get Deja Vu when I read my brothers'-in-arms Spotlights. I can't help but feel that we all almost always like the same things, sometimes to a fault. Maybe we're all just built a certain way, if we're hard enough to be Marines, its like a legend. From another time, we began as Demon Puppies... =P

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2010
    Being a Former Marine I always love to see marines in the lime light. Semper fi Leather Neck.

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2010
    Thanks for all your work. ooh-rah! :]

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2010
    Ooh-Rah! Add me guys i have a mate who is amazing he wants players to play him, add my GT Dylann vx. you may or may not know him but he is the original CaMo vx ....

  • Anonymous
    May 11, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 11, 2010
    dude wait till wednesday because i'll get it back then maybe

  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2010
    Completely agree on best album... Its always good to know a fellow marine playing video games...