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How to Use Microsoft IME to Input East Asian Characters


To get the Japanese string “今日は医者に行く” (Today, I go to Doctor), do the following.

1. Invoke Notepad and activate Japanese IME by hitting [Alt]+[~] or using input mode button on Language Bar.

2. Input reading by roman input mode.
Type following à [k][y][o][u][h][a][i][s][h][a][n][i][i][k][u]

You’ll get hiranaga string “きょうははいしゃにいく”

Romaji-Kana Correspondence Chart is available on Japanese IME Help. Open Japanese IME Help and go to “Romaji – Kana Correspondence Table\Romaji-Kana Correspondence Chart” node, or open IE and go to <mk:@MSITStore:C:\WINDOWS\ime\imjp8_1\Help\imjpcle.chm::/howIMETopic428.htm>.

3. Then hit [Space] or [Convert] key to convert. Please be noted that [Convert] key is only available on Japanese keyboard.

You’ll get “今日は 医者に 行く”.

The underlined string is not determined. In this mode, user can make some edit on the string to get most wanted result. If you accept 1st result, hit [Enter] to determine.

4. If you don’t accept 1st result, you can select from alternatives. To open alternative list, hit [Space] or [Convert] once again. You’ll get alternative list for the phrase with thick underline. We call it “Active Phrase” or “Editable Phrase”. If you want to change active phrase, please use left/right arrow keys.

You can close the alternative list by hitting numeric keys just beside the candidate you want. In this case, if you hit [2], alternative list closed with “京は” is activated. If you hit [Enter], alternative list closes with current candidate activatation and IME determines all undetermined string.

5. You can make active length longer or shorter depend on the result string you need by using [Shift]+[Left/Right Arrow] keys. Then hit [Space] or [Convert] to force IME to convert again.


1. Switch to Hangul input mode by hitting [Right-Alt] key. The key toggles Hangul and English input mode.

2. Type Korean consonants and vowels.

[d][k][s] for 안
[s][u][d] for 녕
[g][k] for 하
[t][p] for 세
[d][y] for 요

The result is 안녕하세요, the meaning is “How are you?”.

Consonants and vowels are mapped on keyboard 1:1, so if you need consonant ㅇ type [d], if you need vowel ㅏ, hit [k].

3. If you need Hanja, convert with [Right-Ctrl] key. The key is assigned for Hanja conversion. If your keyboard don’t have [Right-Ctrl], use the Hanja conversion button on Language Bar

A) Input Hangul first.
[r][P][t][k][s][r][l] à 계산기

B) In front of each character, press [Right-Ctrl] for Hanja conversion key.

In front of ‘계’, hit [Right-Ctrl].
You’ll get Hanja list for ‘계’. Press [2] for ‘計’

In front of ‘산’, hit [Right-Ctrl].
You’ll get Hanja list for ‘산’. Press [3] for ‘算’

In front of ‘기’, hit [Right-Ctrl].
You’ll get Hanja list for ‘기’. Press [2] for ‘機’

Now you’ve got the string “計算機”.

If Office11, Korean IME 7.0 supports word to word Hangul Hanja conversion. The feature is supported on Cicero Native apps like Word, Publisher11, WordPad on XPSP1.

Traditional Chinese

New Phonetic IME by Bopomofo.

1. Switch to Chinese keyboard layout and select Phonetic IME (注音)

2. Input “我是大帥哥” by using Bopomofo.
Each Bopomofo is following.
我 à [j][i][3]
是 à [g][4]
大 à [2][8][4]
帥 à [g][j][9][4]
哥 à [e][k][4]

3. Inputting帥 by hitting [g][j][9]. With following [4], you will complete for 帥.

4. If you don’t have Chinese character you want, use [Space] or [Down Arrow] key to open candidate list and select you want.To do this, move the cursor before the word.

New ChangJie IME by ChangJie code.

1. Switch to Chinese keyboard layout and select ChangJie IME (倉)

2. Input “我是美少女” by using ChangJie code.
Each ChangJie code is following.
我 à [h][q][i], then [Space]
是 à [a][m][y][o] , then [Space]
美 à [t][g][k] , then [Space]
少 à [f][h] , then [Space]
女 à [v] , then [Space]

3. Inputting美 by [t][g][k].

4. If you don’t have Chinese character you want, use [Space] or [Down Arrow] key to open candidate list and select you want.

Simplified Chinese

How to input “我是一只可爱的小花猫” by using Microsoft Pinyin IME.

1. Switch to MSPY by hitting [Ctrl]+[Space].

2. Input “我是一只可爱的小花猫” by PinYin. The input should be continuously. Sometimes you’ll get the result you don’t want, however, MSPY will correct automatically by language model (Bigram in MSPY 3.0).

我 à [w][o]
是 à [s][h][i]
一 à [y][i]
只 à [z][h][i]
可 à [k][e]
爱 à [a][i]
的 à [d][e]
小 à [x][i][a][o]
花 à [h][u][a]
猫 à [m][a][o]

3. If you are not finalized (determined) yet, press [Right Allow] will show candidate list.

4. To make error correction (re-conversion), do the following.
For TIP: Correction button on Language Bar.
On Notepad: Select and then right click and choose “Reconvert”.
On Word: [Windows]+[C]

5. Some other PinYins.

ü “nihao” for “你好”.

ü “xiexie” for “谢谢”.


For information regarding East Asian Writing Systems and IMEs, please go to

Introduction to East Asian Writing Systems and IMEs
