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Replace the Shortcut for Flip3D

I came across this tip from Longhorn Blogs while catching up on blog posts from some time ago that I'd missed.  I use several different builds of Windows Vista and find this tip useful because some in builds the odd shortcut has been removed or replaced by something else. Having it on the desktop makes it easier for me to conduct demos, especially given that the Windows key on my TabletPC is in an odd location -- the upper right-hand corner.

One of the neat little features added to Windows Vista is “Flip3D”, which offers a visual way to browse through all the open windows on your desktop.

In some CTP builds prior to Beta 2 you may have noticed a cool little shortcut to Flip3D in the Quick Launch, but this has since been removed from Beta 2.

Want it back?

Create a new shortcut and point it to “C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe DwmApi #105”, give it a name like “Launch Windows Flip3D”, and toss it wherever you’d like, such as the quick launch!

You may want to turn off UAC for future use of this shortcut. I did this by opening the shortcut's Properties | Security tab, clicking the Edit and then Add buttons, selecting my laptop as the Location and then adding the group Users.