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Howto: Accept meeting requests with VB6 and CDO 1.21

Here is a sample to accept all meeting requests using CDO 1.21.

' The code below will accept all meeting requests in the users inbox.
Private Sub cmdAcceptRecurringMeeting_Click()
Dim objSession As mapi.Session
Dim ObjMessage As mapi.Message
Dim oMessages As mapi.Messages
Dim oAppointment As mapi.AppointmentItem
Dim oFolder As mapi.Folder
Dim objOrig As AppointmentItem
Dim objRecPatt As RecurrencePattern
Dim oRecipients As mapi.Recipients
Dim oRecipient As mapi.Recipient
Dim oMeetingReq As mapi.MeetingItem
Dim oMeetingRes As mapi.MeetingItem

'Create the Session Object.
Set objSession = New mapi.Session

'Logon using the session object.
'objSession.Logon "", "", False, True, 0, True, "myserver" & vbLf & "mymailbox"

Set oFolder = objSession.GetDefaultFolder(CdoDefaultFolderInbox)
Set oMessages = oFolder.Messages

Set oMeetingReq = oMessages.GetFirst
Do While Not oMeetingReq Is Nothing
Dim sType As String
Dim lClass As Long
sType = oMeetingReq.Type '"IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request"
lClass = oMeetingReq.Class

If (sType = "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request" And lClass = CdoMeetingItem) Then
Set oMeetingRes = oMeetingReq.Respond(CdoResponseAccepted)
oMeetingRes.Send True
Set oMeetingRes = Nothing
End If

Set oMeetingReq = oMessages.GetNext

End Sub