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Twas the night before Christmas...

Christmas and New Year Background With Decorations and Gift Boxes on Wooden Board

Twas the night before Christmas and through the C-Suite
Senior Leaders were sweating what metrics they beat
Their data had told them they had a great quarter
But Laura in Finance said maybe they ought to

Dig deeper for insight for what it all meant.
Was this just a blip from a one-off event?
Or did they predict what their customers need?
And had their core processes caught up to speed?

Could they make visualisations that all understood?
Would they even know if their data was good?
And more than just good, was it really secure
From the malware, and hackers, employees and more?

And that’s just to start with. Where should it reside?
And who will maintain it. It’s hard to decide.
“Perhaps what we need,” someone wondered aloud
“Is more guidance for how we proceed in the cloud.”

And Marketing Mark said, “I’ve thought ‘bout this lots.
My strategy next year incorporates bots.
Those rely on good data and processing power
For millions of new interactions per hour.”

“That’s my issue too,” said COO Dee.
“But I want operations to use IoT
In meaningful ways that will make us efficient
but our current cloud knowledge is quite insufficient.”

So where’s next on their journey to use the cloud more?
“I’ve heard tell of a chap on the 25th floor.”
“He’s more of a myth” “Is he real?” “I don’t know”
As they hopped in the lift to find their CIO.

When they got off the lift, they got quite a surprise.
What they saw was a tired bloke rubbing his eyes.
He had been there for days, instead of his bed
Awake from the DevOps that danced in his head.

On the walls all around him, strange words like Hadoop,
And AD, and PowerShell that looked like word soup
To the business executives who huddled in next.
“It’s Christmas eve, folks. Why’d you look so perplexed?”

“We want analytics, IoT and a bot”
The CIO smiled: “Yeah, I get that a lot.
And I’d love to do it. I think it’d be great
But our infrastructure is just way out of date.”

So this night before Christmas on the floor that’s IT
The team started building their cloud strategy.
An iterative process of apps they’d design
Where IT and business begin to align.

The cloud gave them freedom not seen in the past
To try things, and learn when they fail and fail fast.
They mapped great ideas for their business but still,
They soon realised they were missing the skill

That they needed to make their new cloud dreams come true.
They sat scratching heads thinking what they should do.
They need custom solutions not bought off the shelves.
Like a workshop, and not the kind that's run by elves.

Then from a near desk, there arose such a clatter,
And the team all looked up to see what was the matter.
In front of them wrapped up in bright decoration:
A box with a special event invitation.

To a series that helps meet their vision, for sure.
To a workshop on cloud we call “Do More With Azure”
So sign up to help your cloud journey take flight.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Whether you want to give your team the gift of a deeper understanding of the cloud, or if getting more from the cloud is part of your New Year’s Resolution our cloud workshops can help to get you there. Sign up for a cloud workshop today, and have a great Christmas!