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User Account Control Coming to a City (sort of) Near You

This month Microsoft held our weeklong TechReady conference in downtown Seattle where we bring in our technical sales people and consultants from around the world to get briefings on the newest products from the teams that build them. We demo’d User Account Control in at least 4 sessions (to standing room only audiences) and we’ve gotten great feedback from the attendees that customers can’t wait to deploy this technology.

(On left, Austin Wilson, Vista Security Marketing. On right, Chris Corio, UAC Program Manager.)

Sadly, TechReady was for Microsoft employees only, but the UAC team will also be speaking and answering your questions at TechEd 2006, this June in Boston. If you can’t wait that long, in February, Peter Woods from the team will also present UAC at RSA 2006 in San Jose. And we’ll be setting up a Web cast soon for all of you. We hope to see you at these events!