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TN Wiki: How to Join

When you land on a TechNet Wiki article for the first time, it is not clear that you can edit the wiki pages. This is because you must first join and sign in to see the “Edit” button.

This video demo shows that this process start-to-finish takes only a few minutes.

Here’s How to Join.

To sign up

  1. If you do not already have one, sign up for a free Windows LiveID.

  2. Click the Sign In link on the Wiki main page (https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/).

  3. Complete the screen name and email address section of the sign up page.

    NOTE: The e-mail address you use here is not published. You can use only one username per e-mail address. If you are an MVP, append MVP to your username (for example, Jane Doe MVP) and link to your MVP profile from your wiki profile. If you are a Microsoft employee, append MSFT to your username (for example, John Doe MSFT) and include your @microsoft.com e-mail address in the contact section of your profile so that wiki readers can tell that you work for Microsoft.

IMPORTANT: The sign-in name cannot be changed once you create it. If you make a mistake, the account must be deleted, and then you can create another one. Take care entering your sign-in name. You can change your display name whenever you wish.

Finish by accepting the services agreement:

  1. Click the “I accept the services agreement” link and read the terms of use.
  2. Click the “I accept the services agreement” checkbox
  3. Click Join now.
  4. You will now be signed in and see a welcome message. You are now part of the TechNet Wiki!

NOTE: You will receive a notification e-mail at the e-mail address you entered in step 3, confirming your account creation.

See Also