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Shawn's MIIS/ILM Code Experiment: Obligatory First Post...



Welcome to my MIIS/ILM Code Experiment!  My name is Shawn Rabourn and I am in my seventh year at Microsoft and I currently work for Application Consulting and Engineering (ACE) Services as a Security Consultant.  This Blog is in response to a lot of the feedback I was receiving from my Technet Blog, https://blogs.technet.com/shawnrab - I have been experimenting with a lot of different coding concepts in Microsoft Identity Integration Server and Identity Lifecycle Manager and much of it belongs outside of the TechNet space and more in the MSDN space.  So, today I will be posting a few posts from my Technet Blog, making sure it is in the correct area.  I also have a lot of scripts and samples that I have stored away for a rainy day that I will post here in the future. 



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And Just in case...

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