Moving away from Text to Speech... but other great folks are still here
I'm no longer blogging on text to speech; however, there are still a lot of great people blogging on speech at Microsoft. Your best contact is going to be Chuck Opperman who has a blog related to TTS and Speech API content:
Also, the Speech team participates on newsgroups and on a Yahoo Speech forum if you are looking for additional insight.
January 02, 2007
Jay, just wanted to let folks know that my blog will have TTS and Speech API content on it.
June 08, 2007
Have you ever tried the Loquendo TTS? It's an Italian product. Check it out guys! There's a free demo! Bye VinAnonymous
June 08, 2007
Ops! Here is the link: (
March 28, 2010
Just to post an ad here. :-) my blog will cover TTS contentAnonymous
February 23, 2013
I am still blogging for you can check it guys if you want to.