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I love the smell of hyperbole in the morning

Keyboards are wagging in the press over the recent joint announcement between Google and Sun that they'll be working together.  The exact terms of the deal were undisclosed, but the meat of the announcement seems to be that the Google toolbar will be bundled with the Java runtime download and that they're interested in working together on other things, like Open Office.  Personally, I'm in favor of competition because I believe it challenges us all to write better software, but I think the amount of hullabaloo over what was really a pretty thin partnership announcement is a bit silly.  The New York Times, for example, proclaimed "Google and Sun Challenge Microsoft's Office." Really? With a press release? Okay.  I guess.  I did hear that Google hired a key member of the StarOffice team, but that's still a long ways away from "challenging" MS Office.  I guess Google's culture of secrecy is working for them, as the press seems eager to make a big deal out of any tidbit of news.  On a broader level, as someone with a vested interest, I'm intrigued to see how that secrecy culture fares over the long term compared to Microsoft's culture of more openness with press and customers.
