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Survive the [your event here!] with OneNote

I know we're well past the holiday season, and unless you're one of those super-incredibly organized people who's already shopping for the 2008 season, this post might seem slightly out of the blue. However...

Last week, I was reading Michael C. Oldenburg's blog, Nota Bene - Tips and techniques for Microsoft Office OneNote. I quickly realized that the tips and tricks he provides in his holiday post could easily (very easily!) be applied to other events. 

If you're planning a graduation, wedding or engagement shower, baby shower, family reunion, or [insert your event here] , check out Survive the holidays with OneNote and keep your event in mind.

I'll summarize by saying that OneNote is, in essence, a catch-all for any information that you want to a) keep in one place for optimal organization and b) easily browse *or* search so your information is always at your fingertips. There are host of other friendly features available from the ability to color code pages, add searchable tags, and send over e-mail and tasks from Outlook or pages you view using Internet Explorer to your OneNote notebooks.

Personally, I'm a big fan of using multiple notebooks and an even bigger fan of using the colorful, tabbled pages and sections to organize my information. So you can see why I like Michael's holiday post, which provides some great suggestions for getting organized with OneNote.

Don't forget: 

  1. If you have any questions or comments about using OneNote, feel free to post them here or to Nota Bene. Part of the fun of using such a versatile program is finding out all of the different ways you can or might want to use it.
  2. In case you're itching to get started, here's a link to our free OneNote templates (by category) and to the OneNote 2007 Help and How To content online. Nota Bene also links to a number of useful OneNote blogs (see the left side of Michael's home page under, well, "Blogs".)
