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Just in time for back-to-school -- School Rules Award Certificate Contest

If you are a teacher or a parent, you know how important it is to recognize students, teachers, and parent volunteers throughout the school year. Free award certificates from Office Online are a simple, low-cost way to do this. We’d like to add YOUR fun and creative award certificates to our library so they’ll be available to teachers and parents this school year.


Submit your award certificate entries to the Office Online "School Rules Award Certificate Contest" and help millions of Office customers make their students, teachers, and volunteers very happy. Winners will be promoted online the week of September 7th.

Note: Here is quick look at the easy steps for making sure your work is considered for the August 2009 Award Certificate Contest.

Step 1: Click Submit your presentation to reach the “Submit a Template” form.

Step 2: Sign-in or create an account. (free Microsoft Live).

Step 3: Click Browse to find and upload your  Award Certificate file.

Step 4: Review and edit the title, and then click Next.

Step 5: Choose the contest category (shown below): Template categories > More categories > August 2009 Award Certificate Contest



Step 6: Give your presentation a description: (select Continue)

Step 7:   Review your submission information, and if correct Accept Terms and Upload.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the contest, please be sure to post a comment here to the blog. We will checking periodically to assist.



  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2009
    Do you offer graphic images for the interests of people of color for your certificates,awards etc.? I noticed the graphic/picture in your ad only represents one segment of the global population and completely ignored students of color. justsayknowread@yahoo.com

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2009
    Great point about diversity in our imagery - thanks for your comment. We'd love it if you'd submit some certificates for the contest that showcase diversity. We have many examples in our Awards certificate category that you can view, and if you search on "diversity" on our Clip Art web site, you'll find lots of images that showcase diversity to use in your certificates. URL for Clip Art web site: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/clipart/FX101321031033.aspx?pid=CL100570201033 URL for Clip Art search on diversity: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/clipart/results.aspx?qu=diversity&sc=20 Thanks again for your comment.