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Part 4 – Customization VSTS Process Template

Windows SharePoint Services XML

Project portal configuration are defined in the WssTasks.xml file within the [Process Template]/Windows Sharepoint Services directory. Within this xml file, document libraries, folders and default files list is defined. Also the sharepoint site template name is defined.


<site template="VSTS_MSF_CMMI" language="1033" />


            <documentLibrary name="Security" description="Documents for the architect team" />

            <documentLibrary name="Test" description="Documents for the test team" />




            <folder documentLibrary="Test" name="Draft" />

            <folder documentLibrary="Test" name="Released" />

            <folder documentLibrary="Project Management" name="Draft" />

            <folder documentLibrary="Project Management" name="Released" />

            <folder documentLibrary="Process Guidance" name="Supporting Files/images" />

            <folder documentLibrary="Development" name="Drafts" />

            <folder documentLibrary="Development" name="Released" />




            <file target="Test Approach.doc" documentLibrary="Test" source="Windows SharePoint Services\Test\Test Approach.doc" />

            <file target="Draft/MGSI Acceptance Test Plan.doc" documentLibrary="Test" source="Wss\Templates\MGSI Acceptance Test Plan.doc" />

            <file target="Draft/MGSI System Test Plan.doc" documentLibrary="Test" source="Wss\Templates\MGSI System Test Plan.doc" />

            <file target="Draft/Development Project Plan.mpp" documentLibrary="Project Management" source="Wss\Templates\Development Project Plan.mpp" />




Groups and Permissions XML

List of groups and their permissions within process templates are defined within the GroupsandPermissions.xml file located within [Process Template]/Groups and Permissions directory. For the MGSI SDC Process template we have added four new groups.


           <group name="Project Managers" description="Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project. ">


<permission name="GENERIC_READ" class="PROJECT" allow="true" />

                                           <permission name="GENERIC_READ" class="CSS_NODE" allow="true" />

                                           <permission name="GENERIC_WRITE" class="PROJECT" allow="true" />

                                           <permission name="GENERIC_WRITE" class="CSS_NODE" allow="true" />

                                           <permission name="WORK_ITEM_READ" class="CSS_NODE" allow="true" />

                                           <permission name="PUBLISH_TEST_RESULTS" class="PROJECT" allow="true" />

                                           <permission name="WORK_ITEM_WRITE" class="CSS_NODE" allow="true" />

                                           <permission name="START_BUILD" class="PROJECT" allow="true" />







1. CodePlex – Visual Studio Team System: Process Templates and Tools. https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms243782(VS.80).aspx

2. MSDN – Customizing Process Template


3. Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server Power Tools

4. Customizing Microsoft Project Field Mappings

