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How can we control the permission on the files created from Windows NFS client

We do get a lots of issue where the customer reports that “Permission ere not getting inherited on the newly created files and folder on the NFS client side”. This scenario is intended for the scenario where Windows is the NFS client (running “client for NFS”) service.

Usually the confusion is that the permission on the newly created files / folders should get inherited from the server to the client. In case on Windows acting as “Server for NFS” we can enable the “keepinheritance” registry key. More inputs on “KeepInheritance “ is given in the article below:

I am not sure, if there is anything equivalent on the Unix side.

So the default behavior is the permission of the newly created files and folder depends on the NFS client from where it has been created and not on the NFS Server. This behavior is similar to the UMASK on Unix world. Hence the permission gets inherited when the files and folder are on the same local location.

In case of NFS access, where server-client is involved, the permission on the newly created files and folders depends on the setting on the NFS clients. In case of Unix environment, UMASK controls this. In case of Windows, we have an umask equivalent ( refer the image below).


As per the customer’s requirement, he had set the permission on the NFS share as ‘777’ on the Server side and wanted similar behavior on the NFS client side. To resolve the issue, we made the changes below on the “client for NFS’ properties and restarted the ‘client for NFS’ service.
