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Анатомия спуф-сообщения (пример phishing)

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????, ??? ??? ????????? (? ?????? ????? ???????? ? ??????? ??? ?????-?????? ?? BigBank, ????????? ???-?? ??? ?? ??? ???):

From: www-data [mailto:www-data@mail.dataglobe.hu] On Behalf Of BigBank Bank PLC
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 1:54 AM
To: Eldar Musayev
Subject: IMPORTANT- Secure Your Online Banking

  <Victim bank logo>

Dear Customer,

We're making improvements to the online service to make your online banking experience even better!
Due to the ongoing improvements, we kindly ask you to update your online banking details by clicking here.
Failure to update your online banking details might lead to the suspension of your online banking access.

What's improving?

There will be:

  • A great new look - the online service will have a refreshing new look and getting around the site will be much easier.
  • A new homepage - your homepage will be called 'My accounts' and you'll be able to find all your account information on one screen
  • A simpler menu - making it easier to find what you need to bank online
  • Handy shortcuts - you'll be able to click on shortcuts to get to the most frequently used services

New features

You'll soon be able to:

  • Transfer money between your banking and savings accounts even quicker and more easily
  • Apply for an overdraft* and change an existing overdraft limit online if you have a suitable Halifax Current Account

*Excludes Easycash, Cardcash and Student Current Account

Below is preview of the newly proposed online banking screen.

  <Nice picture of the "future screen">

BigBank Online Technical Support
BigBank Bank PLC.

Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address can't be answered.
BigBank Email ID # 9812D.
BigBank Bank. Registered Office: Trinity Road, BigBank, West Yorkshire, HX1 2RG. Registered in England No. 941082. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

???? ??????????? ???????? ?? click here, ?? ???????? ?? ????????? ????. ? ?? ?????? ???? ?????, ???? ??? ???????? ?? ?????, ? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???????? ? HTML:

<A href="https://www.bigbank-online.co.uk.bi-abwasser.de/%20/_mem_bin/formslogin.asp/?_cu=Y2yk0ZnJ_zb2ZqZbZmRjC8tTaRYY74qQrG9KPqPtQAoeUv5wHpw @@&amp;tbid=70001netbank.commbank.com.au/netbank/bankmain.htm_cu= Y2yk0ZnJ_zb2ZqZbZmRjC8tTaRYY74qQrG9KPqPtQAoeUv5wHpw @@&amp;tbid=700017da6b60c0a364ba700adb1d4aeea3e95&amp; statemachineEventName=NetBank+Logo&amp; TRANSACTION_KEY=5370b19aa66fca97df6d567ea4b8c51c&amp; SHARE_ID=20596277&amp;BLOCK_STATES=dc3f0399a32d9c86" target=_blank>

??? ? ??? ???????????? ??-??????, ???? ???????? ????? ????? - ??? bi-abwasser.de, ????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ? https://www.bigbank-online.co.uk... ??? ??? ????? ? ??, ??? ???? ???????????? ??????? ?????? ?? ???? ????, ??? ???? ? ?????????? ????, ?? ?????? ????? ??????, ??????? ??? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????????.

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??, ? ??? ??????? ??? ???????? ?????? ???????????:

From: www-data [mailto:www-data@mail.dataglobe.hu] On Behalf Of BigBank Bank PLC

"On Behalf" ???????? ??? ???????? ????????? (?? ?? ??????, ?? ?? ??????) ????????????, ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ???, ??? ?????????????. ??? ?????? ????? ? ?????????? ?????? (?? ??????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ??????????, ?? ??? ??????? ???? ??????????? ?? ???????, ????????, ? Outlook - ??? View | Options):

Received: from mail.dataglobe.hu ([]) by ...;
  Wed, 2 Aug 2006 01:53:36 -0700
Received: from www-data by mail.dataglobe.hu with local (Exim 4.44)
 id 1G8CTu-0002Bl-Jm...
From: BigBank Bank PLC <account_servlet884@bigbank-online.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Message-Id: <E1G8CTu-0002Bl-Jm@mail.dataglobe.hu>
Sender: www-data <www-data@mail.dataglobe.hu>
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2006 10:53:34 +0200
Return-Path: www-data@mail.dataglobe.hu

??????? ???? From: ???????? ???? ?????, ? Sender: ? Return-Path: - ??????.


  • Anonymous
    August 29, 2006
    Молодец, Элдар, что просвящением пипла занимаешься. Просто уму непостижимо, сколько человек попадается на эти удочки...