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How to invoke TFS Add-in controls from Macro code

Programmatically invoking TFS Excel and Project add-in functionality such as Publish and Refresh might be desirable in some cases. For ex. consider the scenario where you want to refresh the work items automatically when the sheet is first opened so you are working on the latest items. Or, you have custom macros to calculate the schedule and this refreshes the list first to bring in the latest updates to the work items.


We would love to hear from you about scenarios where you use custom macros or code in TFS bound Excel and Project lists.


Here is a sample macro that Swamy, one of our Developers, wrote that shows how to invoke the TFS “Refresh” action.


Private Sub RefreshClick()

    Dim popup As CommandBarPopup

    Dim control As CommandBarControl

    Dim bMenuItemFound As Boolean

    bMenuItemFound = False


    ' Find Team menu (under Add-Ins tab in Excel12)

    Set popup = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(Type:=msoControlPopup, Tag:="IDC_WORK_ITEMS_MENU", Visible:=True)


    If Not (popup Is Nothing) Then

        For i = 1 To popup.Controls.Count

           Set control = popup.Controls.Item(i)

           If ((control.Tag = "IDC_REFRESH") And (control.Enabled = True)) Then


                bMenuItemFound = True

                ' Simulate Click event



                ' Exit for loop as we have found "Refresh" menu item

                Exit For

           End If

        Next i


        MsgBox ("Cannot find Team Menu")

    End If



    If bMenuItemFound = False Then

        MsgBox ("Cannot find Refresh menuitem or Refresh menuitem is not enabled")

    End If


End Sub


List of control tags for TFS Excel Add-In



Team menu


New List


Get Work Items






Configure List


Choose Columns


Links and Attachments


Edit Areas and Iterations (menu)



List of control tags for TFS Project Add-In



Team menu


Choose Team Project


Get Work Items






Links and Attachments


Edit Areas and Iterations (menu)



We hope you find this information useful!




  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2007
    The Teams WIT Tools Blog on How to invoke TFS Add-in controls from Macro code and Tell us what you think...

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2007
    If you are using Microsoft excel,project for some times, you might find using macros really ease your

  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2010
    We just upgraded to TFS 2010 and this code no longer works as it did.  In an attempt just to get stuff working again I did the following...    Dim bMenuItemFound As Boolean    Dim wb As Workbook    Dim ss As Worksheet    Dim n As Integer    Dim refreshCounter As Integer    Dim rng As Range    Dim bar As CommandBar    Dim control As CommandBarControl    bMenuItemFound = False    Set wb = Application.ActiveWorkbook    For n = 2 To wb.Worksheets.Count        Set ss = wb.Worksheets.Item(n)        ss.Activate        ' select a cell in the spreadsheet to enable the refresh button        Set rng = ss.Cells(3, 1)        If Not rng Is Nothing Then            rng.Select            rng.Activate        End If        For Each bar In Application.CommandBars            'Debug.Print bar.Name            If bar.Name = "Team" Then                For Each control In bar.Controls                    If control.Tag = "IDC_REFRESH-TBB" Then                        On Error Resume Next                        control.Execute                        On Error GoTo 0                        bMenuItemFound = True                        refreshCounter = refreshCounter + 1                        Exit For                    End If                Next            End If            If bMenuItemFound Then                bMenuItemFound = False                Exit For            End If        Next    Next n    Set ss = wb.Worksheets.Item(1)    ss.Activate    MsgBox ("refreshed " & CStr(refreshCounter) & " spreadsheets of " & CStr(wb.Worksheets.Count)) Set ss = Nothing Set wb = Nothing

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2014
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2014
    I have an excel file with numerous identical sheets which i am using to retrieve a status report from my employees at work. In those sheets they have specific cells to update and those cells are being updated using a generic function i am calling using Sub Worksheet_Change in each sheet. recently i have added for each sheet a TFS table via the Team tab etc.. The problem is when I am pressing the refresh button at the Team tab, the generic function of Worksheet_Change is being called, and getting inside a very long loop that will end eventually. Is there a way to catch the event when the Refresh Button is being pressed, and check it and then exit the sub of worksheet_change, if it is not pressed i would like to function to run. Thank you very much for your assistance.

  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2015
    Is there a way, where i can invoke TFS from the VBA code to get the test cases status (Results)?

  • Anonymous
    January 04, 2016
    I want to extract reports from TFS through Macros. So how do i do this?