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Configure ETW Tracing Windows Server AppFabric 1.1 for Multiple Cachehosts


Enabling ETW tracing across your cluster can be made easier by utilizing this handy guide. Method 1 shows how using PsExec and Method 2 shows how to use native Logman.exe only.


Method 1: Using PsExec From SysInternals

1. Install PsExec.exe from: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx
2. Make sure PsExec.exe is in the system path or simply copy PsExec.exe to the c:\windows\system32 directory.
3. Edit the computer_name_list.txt to add cachehost to the trace data collections processes
4. Enable tracing by executing from the command prompt
for /F %i IN (computer_name_list.txt) DO psexec -accepteula -c appfabric_enable_trace.bat -v \\%i
5. To Start Tracing
for /F %i IN (computer_name_list.txt) DO psexec -accepteula -c appfabric_start_trace.bat -v \\%i
5. To Stop Tracing on all Systems run the following command:
for /F %i IN (computer_name_list.txt) DO psexec -accepteula -c appfabric_stop_trace.bat -v \\%i
6. To Delete the AppFabric Trace Log run this command:
for /F %i IN (computer_name_list.txt) DO psexec -accepteula -c appfabric_delete_trace.bat -v \\%i
7. When tracing is complete, copy each of the AppFabCacheOut.etl from each system and send them to your support professional. You can use these commands to assist in that effort:
for /F %i IN (computer_name_list.txt) DO md %i
for /F %i IN (computer_name_list.txt) DO copy \\%i\c$\temp\AppFabCacheOut*.etl c:\temp\%i

Download source files: Enable_AppFabric_Tracing.zip 


Method 2: Using Logman.exe Only

Any of the commands we ran from the command line above can be configured to point to a remote server, without the use of PsExec.exe. However, you’ll need to add a firewall rule to allow this traffic to the cachehost. First, let me translate a command then I will show you the firewall rule you need to create. If you have a number of machine to perform this on you can save some time creating a machine list as we did in step three above: (Edit the computer_name_list.txt to add cachehost to the trace data collections processes)
Logman example using –s switch
for /F %i IN (computer_name_list.txt) DO logman delete CacheETWTracing -s %I
If you receive the error below you need to setup a firewall rule on the target machines to allow logman.exe to run on that remote machine.
The RPC server is unavailable.
Create a Rule for the program %SystemRoot%\System32\plasrv.exe tighten down to your requirements from that point.


  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2015
    Method 1, use %% instead % because bat file.